Articles in English

Protest at Bantayog ng mga Bayani
September 07, 2020

More than 500 activists and human rights advocates converged at the Ban­ta­yog ng mga Ba­ya­ni last August 31 to commemorate the National Heroes’ Day. They condemned the continuing attacks against activists, government critics and political oppositionists. They carried placards demanding a thorough and independent investigation on the killing of activists Ran­dall Echa­nis, Za­ra Alva­rez, Car­li­to […]

NPA foils focused military ops in NCMR
September 07, 2020

The New People’s Army-North Central Mindanao Region (NPA-NCMR) moun­ted six successive offensives against the focused military operations (FMO) of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in the region last August. At least 10 soldiers were killed in the offensives including two officials. The NPA attacked operating soldiers at Sitio Trak­tor, Ba­ra­ngay Ma­hag­say, San Luis, Agusan […]

Predicament to be caused by Duterte's borrowing spree
September 07, 2020

Second part of the series on the Duterte regime’s borrowing binge. Read the first part, “Pandemic borrowing binge,” in Ang Ba­yan, August 21, 2020. The regime’s economic officials on August 26 projected the government debt to reach a record-high ₱10.16 trillion by the end of 2020. This is higher by 31% than the debt recorded […]

Justice remains elusive for desaparecidos
September 07, 2020

The International Day of the Disappeared is commemorated globally every August 30 to demand justice and remember struggles of thousands of victims of enforced disappearances who were secretly imprisoned or killed by reactionary states. Victims in the Philippines include Ele­na Tija­mo, a development worker in Central Vi­sa­yas who was abducted by agents of the Duterte […]

In short
September 07, 2020