Articles in English

Tribute to 
Ka Randall Echanis
August 23, 2020

In behalf of the Communist Party of the Philippines, the Executive Committee of the Central Committee extends its heartfelt condolences to the wife, children, relatives, friends and colleagues of Ka Randall Echanis. We salute Ka Randall for his lifelong service and dedicated struggle to advance the interest of the peasant masses to completely break free […]

The people will not be cowed by state terrorism
August 21, 2020

Randall Echanis, 72, veteran revolutionary and people’s servant, champion of the toiling masses and advocate of just peace, was mercilessly tortured and killed. Fascist executioners raided his home in Quezon City on the wee hours of August 10. He was bound, hit on the head and repeatedly stabbed. What else other than the Duterte monster’s […]

Ka Ran­dall Echa­nis, hero of the toiling masses
August 21, 2020

The revolutionary movement and people paid their highest honors to Na­tio­nal De­mocra­tic Front of the Phi­lip­pi­nes (NDFP) consultant and Anak­pa­wis Partylist chairperson Ran­dall Echa­nis (Ka Randy) last August 17. A caravan was held by his relatives, comrades and supporters from Quezon City to Marikina City where his remains were buried. Ka Randy was brutally killed […]

NPA attacks butcher battalions in Negros, Bukidnon, Masbate
August 21, 2020

The New People’s Army (NPA) mounted successive military offensives in response to the continuing reign of fascist terror of Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) battalions in Negros, Bukidnon and Masbate. The NPA-Central Negros harassed the 62nd IB in Ba­ra­ngay Quin­tin Re­mo, Moi­ses Pa­dil­la, Negros Occiden­tal on August 14. Two soldiers were wounded. The following […]

Ka Jethro, Party leader in Sout­hern Ta­ga­log
August 21, 2020

Ma­rio Ca­ra­ig (Ka Jethro), a Ba­ta­ngueño who became a leader of the armed movement in Sout­hern Tagalog, was summarily executed by the Armed Forces of the Phi­lip­pi­nes on August 8. He was asleep and unable to give battle when killed by 1st IB troopers at a house in Ba­ra­ngay San Anto­nio, Ka­la­ya­an, La­gu­na. He was […]