Articles in English

AFP's brutality against Ae­tas in Zam­ba­les
September 07, 2020

Around 190 Aeta families were forced to evacuate to Ba­ra­ngay Aglao, San Marce­li­no, Zam­ba­les last August 21 after their community in Ba­ra­ngay Bu­ha­wen was bombed by the military using four helicopters. Majority of the evacuees are children. Nine residents, including four minors, were illegally detained by 703rd IBde troopers who accused them of being members […]

Foreign companies dominate local pharmacuetical industry
September 07, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic exposed the Philippines’ lack of capacity to research and manufacture important drugs and vaccines. The Department of Science and Technology itself admitted that the country has no research facilities to develop a Covid-19 vaccine. Even before the pandemic, no local or foreign company manufactured a single vaccine inside the country. As of […]

Paramilitary agents kill Lumad leader in North Co­ta­ba­to
September 07, 2020

Suspected Bagani and Black Fighters paramilitary agents killed Bae Imel­da Ansa­bo, 50, in Ba­ra­ngay Ma­hong­kog, Mag­pet, North Co­ta­ba­to on August 23 at 2 p.m. Ansabo was on her way to the farm with her pregnant daughter when she was ambushed by the suspects. The victim was shot and then hacked repeatedly. Ansabo was a Manobo […]

Sky-high prices of imported medicines
September 07, 2020

In the Philippines, foreign companies dominate the supply of drugs in almost all categories (an­ti­bio­tic, anti-hypertension, anti-cancer and others) compared to local companies. These are generally 30-80% more expensive than generic brands. Added to the high costs is the 25-45% mark-up by local and foreign distributors for branded drugs and almost 60% for branded generics. […]

Successive harassment against mass leaders
September 07, 2020

Joint elements of  the police and military arrested Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan)-Camarines Sur chairperson Nelsy Rodriguez inside the group’s office in Bagum­bayan, Naga City in the evening of September 6. A female agent disguised herself as a barangay health worker to enter the office. She was followed by eight policemen in plainclothes who presented the […]