Articles in English

Discussions on the Philippine revolution in France
June 07, 2019

LAST MAY 25, the Juenes Révo­lu­ti­on­nai­res (Revolutionary Youth) in France conducted a study meeting on the Filipino revolution being led by the Communist Party of the Philippines. Local revolutionary and anti-fascist organizations attended. They discussed the liberation move­ment in the Philippines, par­ticularly the people’s armed struggle. A discussion on the people’s war in India and […]

CPI-Maoist launches series of armed actions
June 07, 2019

THE PEOPLE’S LIBERATION Gue­rril­la Army (PLGA) led by the Com­mu­nist Party of India (Maoist) launched a series of armed actions from May until the first week of June. This came after the killings of Ram­ko Na­ro­te, a CPI-Maoist member and Shil­pa Dhurva, a guerrilla, on April 27 in Gun­dur­wa­hi. The police and military sustained an […]

Police disperses picket in front of CHEd
June 07, 2019

POLICE FORCES violently dispersed the protest mounted by students in front of the Com­mis­si­on on Hig­her Educa­ti­on (CHEd) on Ma­y 30. The group condemned the Supreme Court decision which favors CHEd Me­mo No. 20. Daryl Ba­bay­do, national president of the Col­le­ge Edi­tors’ Guild of the Phi­lip­pi­nes criticized CHEd Com­mis­sio­ner Pros­pe­ro de Ve­ra’s statement lauding the […]

Court convicts union organizer
June 07, 2019

Unjust and condemnable. This was Karapatan’s reaction to the conviction of unionist Marklen Maojo B. Maga by the San Mateo Rizal Regional Trial Court Branch 76 based on a trumped-up charge of illegal possession of firearms last June 3. Maoj’s family was extremely dismayed with the conviction. Maga, who is currently detained in the Metro […]

Brexit and the crisis that plagues the UK
June 07, 2019

Theresa May tearfully announced her resignation as the United Kingdom’s prime minister last May 24 after failing to come up with a Brexit agreement thrice. The UK was supposed to withdraw from the European Union last March but failed to do so after UK ministers failed to pass May’s Brexit plan. What is Brexit? Brexit […]