Articles in English

Oust the two-sided traitor Duterte
June 12, 2019 |

The Filipino people today mark the 121st anniversary of the declaration of Philippine independence. They draw inspiration from the epic struggle of their forebears to attain national freedom from Spanish colonialism, as well as from the century-long struggle to end US colonialism and US neo-colonialism. More than a century hence, the country remains under US […]

An Open Letter to the Elders of Agawa, Baclingayan and other concerned elders
June 10, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | CPDF-Mt. Province |

  To our esteemed elders, Revolutionary greetings! These are troubled times for the people of Besao, Tubo and adjacent municipalities. As you may well know, a few week sago, a dire incident occurred along the ridges bridging the Provinces of Abra and Mt. Province which led to the death of Pedro Sauyen, Ivan Gabaen, and […]

Distressing "Kapanatagan"
June 07, 2019

THE ARMED FORCES of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of Staff Benjamin Madrigal Jr. and Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief Oscar Albayalde signed last January 10 the Joint the AFP-PNP Campaign Plan “Kapanatagan” 2019-2022 to strengthen coordination and cooperation between military and police forces in its counterinsurgency and suppression campaigns. Its declared objective is to “defeat […]

Expose and oppose Duterte's rotten and oppressive congress
June 07, 2019

The competition of bureaucrat-capitalists vying for positions escalated quickly after the elections. No less than four expressed their intention to become the Speaker of the House of Representatives. In the Senate, senators are involved in arm twisting to get hold of powerful committees. Even as they compete against each other, these politicians and parties actually […]

Fed up with lies
June 07, 2019

EVEN DELFIN LORENZANA, a lackey of the US, got fed up with Rodrigo Duterte’s lies and treating the people stupid. On May 29, he openly contradicted Duterte’s duplicitous claim for several months now that legitimate organizations, the political opposition, journalists, lawyers and even television personalities are conspiring with the revolutionary movement to oust him. Lorenzana […]