Articles in English

State forces sow Sauron-like terrorism nationwide
June 07, 2019

SAURON-LIKE OPERATIONS, wherein soldiers and police swarm entire barangays and intimidate, suppress and harass residents, are prevalent across the country. Soldiers of the 2nd IB and Military Intelligence Company and police forces occupied eight barangays in Masbate since the last week of May. (See details on page 3.) In Barangay Dalipe, 11 residents were illegally […]

Soldiers arrest 4 farmers in Mindoro
June 07, 2019

Soldiers illegaly arrested four farmers at Sitio Pusog, Barangay Brigada, Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro on May 23. Soldiers blindfolded and interogated Raul Ibañez, Nonoy Obseqha, Boy Militar and Diego Panas. Ibañez and Obseqha were taken to the military camp in Barangay Burgos. In Laguna, Christopher Esabia was shot dead by members of the Philippine National Police […]

TRAIN: Regressive taxation
June 07, 2019

EVEN AGENCIES of the reactionary government cannot deny the adverse effect of the TRAIN law on the economy. A research by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies published on Decmber 2018 indicate that the imposition of new taxes have adversely affected the manufacturing sector and worsened the plight of the poorest Filipino families. The research […]

Medals and promotion for fascism
June 07, 2019

DUTERTE REWARDED his henchmen in the Armed Forces of the Philippines with medals and promotion. Last June 5, the Com­mis­si­on on Appo­int­ments (CA) confirmed the promotion of 50 military officials spearheading militarization and the perpetration of abuses in the countryside. These promotions are an epitome of injustice, said the Ki­lu­sang Mag­bu­bu­kid ng Pi­li­pi­nas. The hands […]

Other protests
May 21, 2019

CHILDREN NOT CRIMINALS. Members of human rights groups and organizations protecting children’s rights led by Salinlahi Alliance for Childrens’ Concerns picketed in front of the Senate of the Philippines in Pasay City last May 20 coinciding with a Senate session. They condemned the intent to pass a bill lowering the minimum age of criminal responsibility. […]