AFP supply helicopter crashes amid intense combat operations in Bukidnon

Read in: Bisaya

Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, January 16, 2021, 2 p.m. —A UH-1HN1-517 flown by pilots Lt. Arroyo and Lt. Abay crashed in Barangay Busdi, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.

Residents saw the helicopter nose dive and hit several trees before hitting the ground. The aircraft was completely wrecked and not one of its seven passengers survived, including four Philippine Air Force, and three Philippine Army troopers. Prior to the incident, the UH-1HN1-517 along with other helicopters were sighted at least six times flying overhead along the boundary of Misamis Oriental, Agusan del Norte and Bukidnon. These aerial assets were deployed to conduct ocular surveys in preparation of bombings in the mountains. It can be recalled that the US-Duterte regime refused to declare a ceasefire during the holiday season. This only proves the regime’s inhumane treatment to its paid soldiers which are used as cannon-fodder in its war.


These soldiers resent the order of their commander-in-chief and, upon reaching communities, vent their ire by turning their guns on civilians. They commit numerous human rights violations including coercing civilians to surrender, implementing food blockades and curfews, controlling the entry and exit of residents to and from the community which results in hunger, disrespecting women, and breeding vices among others.

They relentlessly conduct community support program (CSP) operations and occupy barrios, including remote communities such as Balaodon, Indalasa in Malaybalay City; Tapayanon, Meyaray, Mandahikan, Kananga-an, and all barangays in Cabanglasan Bukidnon; Nam-nam, Katambod, Malungay along the boundary of San Fernando Bukidnon and Agusan del Sur.

The aerial assets are flown almost daily to deliver supplies in remote mountains, reason why the engine of the said helicopter failed and crashed.

The term of the US-Duterte is about to end but Bukidnon remains the sixth poorest province in the country. Worst affected by the pandemic are farmers who are landless and suffer from low farmgate prices, and workers who suffer from low wages, lack of benefits, professionals who suffer from job insecurity, and people who suffer from the absence of basic services. Instead of addressing the people’s hardships and appeasing those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the regime has heightened oppression against the people through incessant bombing operations, interrogation of civilians including those who are suspected of being sympathizers of the armed movement.

Hence, it is only proper for the revolutionary forces to fight and foil the cruel president’s attacks. All sectors must act and do the very best they can. The people are seething in anger as they could no longer endure their economic hardships, human rights abuses and injustice perpetrated by the system. There is growing dismay even in the ranks of the PNP and AFP. It is only but time for you in the PNP and AFP to turn your backs on your master Duterte who is cruel and heartless. You are from poor families, that is why you have to side with the poor, not with your master who is from the ruling class.

Long live the Communist Party of the Philippines!

Long live the New People’s Army!

Advance the revolution until victory!

AFP supply helicopter crashes amid intense combat operations in Bukidnon