Peasant masses rejoice successful tactical offensive in northeast "Pacific" Samar

“The peasant masses rejoice over the revolutionary justice meted out against their fascist oppressors,” Fr. Santiago “Ka Sanny” Salas, NDF-EV spokesperson said today in light of the recent ambush by the New People’s Army in Barangay Magsaysay, Mapanas town.

Citing reports from the NPA-Rodante Urtal Command (RUC), the ambuscade was launched after receiving countless complaints from the masses regarding the military occupation of their villages.

At least 63 barangays in Mapanas, Gamay, Lapinig, and Palapag town have been subjected to intense militarization since April 2021 up until today. Left and right, the military engages in psywar and combat operations, forced surrender campaign, and various forms of suppression against the peasant masses.

“As pretext to threaten and interrogate civilians, elements of the AFP-PNP pretend to be conducting ‘census’ and ‘national surveys,’ day and night. In some areas, houses are vandalized and marked with numbers by the military, at times without consent by household owners. Midnight interrogation has been commonplace in these areas ever since martial rule masquerading as Retooled Community Support Program was imposed on these barangays,” Fr. Salas said.
Salas echoed cases of red-tagging and forced surrender among those suspected by the military as supporters of the NPA. They are threatened that if they do not surrender, they will be declared “persona non grata” and listed in the shoot-to-kill order of the military. In several instances, even village officials are included in the “persona non grata” and shoot-to-kill order list.

The masses were also coerced to hold slogans and partake in fake “peace rallies” against the NPA. During these rallies, despotic traitors like Renay Rebay, “Giho,” and “Reagan” serve as military mouthpieces. They also red-tag their fellow peasants and force them into surrendering.

Peasant masses in these areas also complain of how AFP-PNP make human shields out of the civilian populace. They conduct counterinsurgency trainings and “dry run” among barangay tanods supposedly to prepare for an NPA attack in their encampment within the barrio.

“These are just some of the many atrocious violations perpetrated by the AFP-PNP in the Pacific area of Northern Samar. Many have fled their villages as the military and police occupy and rule with impunity in their villages,” Fr. Salas said.

Despite outright fascist rule and the hollow “insurgency-free” declarations of the AFP in these areas, the recent ambuscade proves that the revolutionary movement is firmly rooted in the Pacific area, loved and respected by the masses for punishing terrorists and fascist occupants of their villages,” Fr. Salas ended.

Peasant masses rejoice successful tactical offensive in northeast "Pacific" Samar