Paramilitary agents kill Lumad leader in North Co­ta­ba­to


Suspected Bagani and Black Fighters paramilitary agents killed Bae Imel­da Ansa­bo, 50, in Ba­ra­ngay Ma­hong­kog, Mag­pet, North Co­ta­ba­to on August 23 at 2 p.m.

Ansabo was on her way to the farm with her pregnant daughter when she was ambushed by the suspects. The victim was shot and then hacked repeatedly. Ansabo was a Manobo leader known for valiantly standing against plunder and illegal mining in their ancestral lands.

On August 17, police and 72nd IB troopers arrested Glo­ria La­nu­tan, 62, in the same town. She was accused of having links with the New People’s Army (NPA). Arresting agents planted explosives to justify the arrest and trumped up charges against her.

Arbitrary arrests of civilians accused as NPA members also run unabated in Negros Island. In Neg­ros Ori­en­tal, two residents were arrested by the 62nd IB last August 25. In Neg­ros Occi­den­tal, four farmers were accused by the 94th IB of being members of the NPA after strafing and robbing their houses in Ba­ra­ngay Ca­ra­ba­lan, Hi­ma­may­lan City on August 26.

Meanwhile, communities in Moun­ta­in Province remain militarized. Five barangays in Sagada, two in Bau­ko, and three in Bon­toc have been occupied by the 54th IB since October 2019. A military camp was also constructed along the boundary of Sa­ga­da and Be­sao. Combat operations continue in the said areas.

Paramilitary agents kill Lumad leader in North Co­ta­ba­to