Police arrest workers' leader in Quezon City

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Police arrested and detained on trumped-up charges Benjamin Cordero, head of the Labor Sector of the Quezon City Development Council, a member of the Samahan ng Manggagawa sa Quezon City (Workers’ Association of Quezon City) and campaign officer of the Urban Poor Coordinator Council in the National Capital Region, last October 25, at 11:40 p.m. at his residence in Quezon City. He was falsely charged with murder at the Batasan Police Station 6. Cordero was temporarily released on October 27 after posting bail.

Aside from Cordero, Dabilo Basilio and Amor Reyes Acayen, both members of the Dumagat tribe, were also named in the warrant. Amor Acayen died of illness last August. She is a known leader or elder from Sitio Kanlusong, Barangay Puray, Rodriguez, Rizal.

Artillery shelling. The 203rd IBde bombarded Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro on three times last October 18. Bombs exploded near the villages of Waygan and Sta. Teresita causing fear and anxiety among residents. Moreover, soldiers encamped at the barangay hall of Waygan and said they will remain there for at least six months.

Harassment. Philippine Army soldiers forcibly entered and ransacked the home of Kinging Turing in Sitio Pandayan, Barangay Tan-Aiwan, Placer, Masbate on October 19. Soldiers stole six sacks of rice that Turing harvested and brought it to their camp. The military justified the act by claiming that the rice was meant for the people’s army. Soldiers also took the palay supplies of nine other farmers in the same area.

Police arrest workers' leader in Quezon City