Ka Elay, exemplary woman cadre and fighter

This article is available in PilipinoBisaya

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines honored Helenita Parladis, 65, one of the Party’s leading cadres who was killed last year. She is known by the masses and comrades in Bicol and Samar as Ka Ning, Ka Eliz, Ka Celine and Ka Elay.

She is among the hundreds of women Party cadres who have taken on heavy duties to advance and develop the people’s war.

In the past years, she has led the fight against relentless enemy attacks and operations by expanding and deepening guerrilla warfare in Eastern Visayas. Along with five other Red fighters, she died in an aerial bombing operations by the military last November 23, 2022 in Barangay Imelda, Las Navas, Northern Samar. That day, the military bombed the area in the nearby community 50 times from 1:30 a.m. to 5:30 a.m.

A native of Bicol, Ka Elay first served as a Party official in a guerrilla front in Camarines Sur where she eventually became the secretary of the entire province in the 1990s. She was appointed as the deputy secretary of the National Peasant Bureau which conducted advanced agrarian campaigns and later, as the deputy secretary of the Party committee in Eastern Visayas.

She was elected as a member of the Central Committee in the Second Congress in 2016. She was the secretary of the regional committee of the Party in Eastern Visayas at the time of her death. She bequeathed to all revolutionary forces the strong unity between the people’s army and the masses.

Ka Elay, exemplary woman cadre and fighter