Revolutionaries celebrate NPA's 54th anniversary

This article is available in PilipinoBisaya

Celebrations for the 54th anniversary of the New People’s Army (NPA) were held on March 29 in the entire country and even overseas. Activities were conducted inside the NPA guerilla fronts, in urban centers through clandestine gatherings of National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) allied organizations, and in other countries through meetings and assemblies held by organizations supporting the people’s war in the Philippines.

In its statement, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines paid tribute to the exceptional martyrs and Red fighters of the NPA who offered their lives for the people’s democratic revolution. The Party called on the NPA to “stir up and spread the flames of the people’s war for national freedom and democracy.”

According to the Central Committee, the NPA has steadily advanced and surmounted every disadvantage and setback at every historical juncture in its 54 years of resistance. “It has frustrated the enemy’s campaigns of encirclement and suppression,” the Party added.

Meanwhile, in statements issued by the Party committees in the North Central Mindanao Region, Southern Tagalog Region and Mindoro Island, local victories of the NPA in its areas of operations were laid out. NPA commands in Panay island, Southern Panay, Negros islands’ guerilla fronts, Masbate, Camarines Sur and Camarines Norte, Batangas, Surigao del Sur and NDF chapters in Ilocos, Cavite, Laguna, Palawan and others also released their statements.

The NPA-Central Negros command reported its victories the past year. Its mass base expanded by severalfold and its operations has reached not less than 400 sitios in eight municipalities. It recruited new Red fighters from the intellectual youth in the countryside. Units of the people’s militia in the guerilla front continued to expand which is now composed of hundreds of peasants.

In other fronts in the country, units reported the completion of several batches of Party courses, holding of medical services, and other social services in their areas of operation. These were held despite the brutal and focused military operations in their fronts.

Red fighters and the masses were able to gather in Camarines Norte, Central Negros and South Central Negros and other places for the anniversary.

In Eastern Visayas, celebrations were held despite the onslaught of additional three battalions in the last four months. The fighters held a 21-gun salute for Comrade Jose Maria Sison, martyrs of the Central Committee and of the island.

The activity was successfully concluded by the people’s army and the masses without the enemy’s knowledge. They showcased cultural performances and shared simple food and rice cakes.

In Metro Manila, members of the Katipunan ng mga Gurong Makabayan (Kaguma) held a lighting protest on March 25 and members of the Kabataang Makabayan on April 2. Meanwhile, members of the Liga ng Agham para sa Bayan held a secret gathering.

In the days running to the anniversary, NDFP allied organizations held streamer hanging, wall painting and leaflet distribution in promotion of the people’s war in Metro Manila, Cebu City, in the provinces of Rizal, Laguna, Iloilo, Agusan del Sur and Surigao del Sur. Outside of the country, similar activities were held in Ireland.

Overseas, the Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle (FFPS) spearheaded fora, discussions and gatherings in the US and the United Kingdom. Groups from Ireland, China and other countries also expressed solidarity.

These advances belie the empty statements of the National Task Force-Elcac on April 3 that only two NPA guerilla fronts remain active while 15 others are “weakened” fronts. NTF-Elcac director Ernesto Torres Jr deliriously declared that it dismantled what it said “72 of the 89 guerilla fronts” since 2018. The US-Marcos Jr regime has once again pushed its deadline to crush all NPA guerilla fronts by the end of 2023.

Revolutionaries celebrate NPA's 54th anniversary