India state forces raid democratic organization offices

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Operatives of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) of the Indian reactionary government raided various democratic and pro-people organizations at Andhra Pradesh and Telangana on October 2. The Forum Against Corporatization And Militarization (FACAM) reports at least 12 organizations were attacked by state forces. The raids are related to the alleged case of the organizations’ “Maoist Link” in 2021.

Chandra Narasimhulu, an official of Pragatisheela Karmika Samakya (PKS), was arrested on the raid at Andhra Pradesh. According to FACAM, the Indian government falsely claims to have seized from him 1.3 million rupees and a pistol with ammunition.

“These organizations have been vocal against blatant human rights violations and suppression of democratic assertion against corporate loot in mineral-rich Indian regions,” FACAM said.

According to the group, these raids are part of a pattern of a crackdown on progressive and democratic organizations across India on allegations of “Maoist Link.” Other organizations in other Indian states also experience harassment and raids on fabricated allegations. It is said to be a tactic to suppress and silence all voices opposed and critical to the Indian government.

The series of coordinated raids were conducted at 64 locations in the states of Jharkhand, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

India state forces raid democratic organization offices