Ireland activists hold pickets, paint graffiti for the NDFP's anniversary

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Members of Anti-Imperialist Action Ireland (AIAI), led by its Cairde Filipino Committee, picketed, painted graffiti and gathered last week to celebrate the 51st anniversary of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines on April 24. The AIA-Ireland committee is a member organization of the Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle (FFPS), an international group that supports the national-democratic struggle of the Filipino people.

They carried out solidarity activities in Wicklow, Dublin, Galway, and Waterford in Ireland. “We extend our congratulations to the NDFP and all its member organizations, including the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army,” the committee said.

Irish activists recognized the NDFP’s more than five decades of anti-imperialist struggles in the Philippines, and its formation of a broad front for armed struggle. “During this popular period, it served to inspire and command the respect of many prominent revolutionary Irish republicans,” they said.

They said their ranks are also confident that the NDFP will continue to forge itself, being in one of the most advanced revolutions in the world that struggles against the plunder of natural resources by imperialist corporations and against the Marcos regime supported by the US military and Crown Forces (Great Britain’s military force).

They painted the words “VIVA CPP-NPA-NDF” on walls in several cities and unfurled the NDFP flag in their protests and actions.

Meanwhile, FFPS-Vancouver in Canada painted a mural to celebrate the NDFP anniversary. FFPS also released a new song for the anniversary titled “Celebrate the NDF!”

AB: Ireland activists hold pickets, paint graffiti for the NDFP's anniversary