Archive of Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson

The true state of the nation presented by the people demands Duterte’s ouster
July 28, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | New People's Army | NDF-Negros Island | Bayani Obrero | Spokesperson | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

Joint statement of NPA and NDF Negros The revolutionary movement recognizes the genuine State of the Nation Address (SONA) conducted by the Negrosanons in the cities of Bacolod, Kabankalan and Dumaguete where they revealed the true worsening conditions of every sector in the fifth year of the insufferable and bloody Duterte regime. Despite the obvious […]

NPA-Negros: AFP tagging NPA as ‘terrorists’ a mistake and a desperate cover-up for their own crimes
July 25, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

  NPA-Negros slams the AFP’s recent statements once again wrongfully tagging revolutionaries as ‘terrorists’, and accusing them for the recent spate of killings in Negros and attacking communities. If anything, it is the AFP who continue to murder innocent civilians, violate International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and terrorize communities. Before and even during the onslaught of […]

NPA-Negros: 4 persona caught are not NPA
July 12, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

  The New People’s Army – Negros released an official statement on Sunday, July 12 denying the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ allegations that they caught alleged high-ranking officials of the CPP-NPA in Brgy Magballo, Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental. “Emmylo Cañares, George Buga-ay, Relyn Moreno, and Raffy Patajo are not high-ranking officials. They are not […]

NPA-AGC: Flores and AFP are illogical, Quiocson a legitimate target
July 04, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

“The enactment of revolutionary justice against Corporal Quiocson- is a valid action of the NPA against Quiocson and the AFP, as the 62nd IB are legitimate targets of the ongoing armed revolution. It is illogical of them to construe this as a human rights violation while they do not bat an eye to their monstrosities […]

Tapuson ang imperyalista nga paghari sang rehimen US-Duterte sa pungsod!
July 04, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

Translation/s: English Peke kag indi nagakadapat nga saulugon ang adlaw sang pag-abyanay ukon “Fil-Am Friendship Day” sa tunga sang Pilipinas kag imperyalistang Estados Unidos. Makabig nga isa ka ipokrito ang pag-abyanay nga ginasaulog subong sang estado bangod pila ka dekada na kita nga gina-ulipon sang imperyalistang US paagi sa pagpatuman sang nagalala nga patakaran neoliberal, indi […]

End imperialist control in the country! -- NPA-Negros
July 04, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

Translation/s: Hiligaynon The fake “Fil-Am Friendship Day” between the Philippines and imperialist United States should not be celebrated. The celebration is deemed for a hypocritical friendship since we have been enslaved by imperialist US for decades through implementing worsening neoliberal policies, unfair treaties and subservience of previous pseudo-democratic regimes and all-out fascist regimes of Marcos […]

Duterte and the AFP-PNPs facade are being torn apart by their own lies
June 23, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | New People's Army | NDF-Negros Island | Bayani Obrero | Spokesperson | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

On his recent report, Duterte mentioned that the revolutionary movement is “the number one threat” this country faces. Despite the urgency needed amid the Covid-19 pandemic, he has the gall of mentioning such, when in fact, he and his minions are the number one threat to the Filipino people. Duterte has unwittingly admitted that he […]

NPA-Negros firmly salutes the 5 red fighters for their martyrdom
June 19, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

The New People’s Army – Apolinario Gatmaitan Command firmly salutes with the highest revolutionary fervor Ka Dennis, Ka Leo, Ka Joy, Ka Jabar, and Ka Raymond for their dauntless sacrifice. The 5-man team was raided in a household by combined elements of the 11th IB, 94th IB, and the Regional Mobile Force Battalion with almost […]

The support of the people for over 51 years is enough proof of the NPA’s strength: NPA-Negros
June 18, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

“The 51 years of armed struggle waged by the CPP-NPA in over 110 guerilla fronts in 17 different regions, including regions 6 and 7, is already an overwhelming rebuttal to disprove AFP’s claim. The unwavering support of the masses in Negros and the entire country is more than enough proof that the NPA through the […]

The 303rd brigade’s massive corruption behind their continued fake mass surrenders and smear campaigns will only strengthen the NPA even more -- NPA-Negros
June 16, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

NPA-Negros denounces the recent fraudulent acts of the 303rd brigade of the Philippine Army in Negros Island. Their recent smear campaign of hundreds of fake surrenders and declaring the NPA as persona non grata is but an old trick from their worn playbook to discredit the steadily growing armed revolution in the country. “These are […]