Archive of New People's Army

Masupog nga AFP Asset sa Binalbagan, Ginsilotan sang LPC-NPA
April 30, 2024 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | NPA-Central Negros (Leonardo Panaligan Command) | JB Regalado | Spokesperson |

Sa pihak sang lapnagon nga operasyon militar sa Central Negros, madinalag-on nga ginpatuman sang Leonardo Panaligan Command-New People’s Army (LPC-NPA) ang silot-kamatayon kay Ritoy Pedro sa Sityo Kamanggahan, Barangay Amontay, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental, Abril 28, alas 10:40 sang gab-i. Si Pedro ang masupog nga nagapaniktik sa mga aktibidad sang rebolusyonaryong kahublagan sa lugar. Masami nga […]

SIPS status for NegOr spells more hunger and injustice
April 30, 2024 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | NPA-Southeast Negros (Rachelle Mae Palang Command) | Estrella Banagbanag | Spokesperson |

The Rachelle Mae Palang Command of the New People’s Army Southeast Negros Front (RMPC-NPA) called the resolution of the Provincial Peace and Order Council (PPOC) to grant Negros Oriental the status of Stable Internal Peace and Security (SIPS) only a confirmation of the intent of the reactionary government to further exploit the masses in the […]

Lies and fake news cannot hide the truth behind DSB affair
April 29, 2024 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | NPA-Northern Negros (Roselyn Pelle Command) | Cecil Estrella | Spokesperson |

Compelled by the unobtainable deadline set forth by the US-Marcos regime to destroy the revolutionary movement within this year, #DiMasaligan79IB resorted to all kinds of dirty tricks to project an image of battlefield victories. A glaring example is the recent incident in Sitio Humayan, Barangay Pinowayan, Don Salvador Benedicto, Negros Occidental involving the alleged arrest […]

Masupog nga intel asset sang 62nd IB sa Moises Padilla, ginsilotan
April 26, 2024 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | NPA-Central Negros (Leonardo Panaligan Command) | JB Regalado | Spokesperson |

Tampad nga gina-angkon sang Leonardo Panaligan Command-New People’s Army (LPC-NPA) ang madinalag-on nga pagpatuman sang silot-kamatayon kay Tongkai Golez sang Sityo Cuyawyaw, Barangay Inolingan, Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental alas 7:30 sang gab-i, Abril 24. Si Golez ang ginpamabatbatan sang silot-kamatayon sadtong Oktubre 2023, matapos napamatud-an sang rebolusyonaryong korte sang pumuluyo nga masupog nga intel asset […]

250-300 nga pasistang tropa sang 62nd IB nagalambiyong sa mga komunidad sang mangunguma sa Central Negros
April 26, 2024 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | NPA-Central Negros (Leonardo Panaligan Command) | JB Regalado | Spokesperson |

Kahapon, Abril 25, alas 3:00 sang hapon—namutikan ang apat ka kolum sang 62nd IB sa boundary sang Vallehermoso kag Guihulngan City tanan sang Negros Oriental. Makit-an ang duha ka kolum sang militar sa Sityo Camonsil, Barangay Hibaiyo kag duha man ka kolum sa mga sityo sang Binakayan kag Bay-ang, tanan sang Barangay Tabon, Vallehermoso. Kagab-i, […]

Dakilain ang buhay na inialay ni Junalice “Ka Beata” Arante-Isita, kababaihang kadre at pinuno sa Batangas
April 25, 2024 | New People's Army | Southern Tagalog Regional Operational Command (Melito Glor Command) | NPA-Batangas (Eduardo Dagli Command) |

Iginagawad ng Komiteng Probinsya ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas, Eduardo Dagli Command BHB-Batangas at sampu ng mga rebolusyonaryong mamamayan ang pinakamataas na pagpupugay at pulang saludo sa kadakilaan ni Junalice Arante Isita (Ka Enya, Ka Arya, Ka Ali, Ka Irene, Ka Fabian at Ka Beata). Napaslang siya kasama nina Bernardo Bagaas (Ka Mamay, Ka Mike at […]

Espiya kag asset sang AFP sa Sipalay City, ginsilotan sang NPA
April 25, 2024 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | NPA-Southwest Negros (Armando Sumayang Jr. Command) | Andrea Guerrero | Spokesperson |

Hustisya ang naangkon sang pumuluyo sang ginpatuman sang isa ka yunit sang Armando Sumayang Jr Command-New People’s Army (ASJC-NPA) ang silot kamatayon kay Jun Habagat sa Sityo Cagay 2, Barangay Camindangan, Sipalay City, Negros Occidental sadtong Abril 24, 2024 alas 9:00 sang gab-i. Determinado nga ginpatuman sang yunit sang ASJC-NPA ang silot kamatayon bangud sa […]

No Red fighters captured in Don Salvador Benedicto
April 25, 2024 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | NPA-Northern Negros (Roselyn Pelle Command) | Cecil Estrella | Spokesperson |

Roselyn Jean Pelle Command-New People’s Army (RJPC-NPA) calls out #DiMasaligan79IB for spreading malicious propaganda and committing another wave of human rights violations especially against children. The claim released by #DiMasaligan79IB today that the military with the 1st NOCPMFC of the PNP were able to capture two members of the NPA at Barangay Pinowayan, Don Salvador […]

Abusador kag masupog nga intel, ginsilotan sa NPA
April 25, 2024 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | NPA-Northern Negros (Roselyn Pelle Command) | Cecil Estrella | Spokesperson |

Gin-ambusan sang mga operatiba sang Roselyn Jean Pelle Command – Prenteng Gerilya sa norte nga bahin sang Negros sang New People’s Army (RJPC-NPA) si Alexander alyas ‘Dondie’ Alquizar, 54 anyos, isa ka barangay tanod, sa Proper Laga-an sakop sa banwa sang Calatrava, Negros Occidental sadtong Abril 20, 2024, alas 5:45 sang aga. Narekober sang mga […]

Mangkasanon, Maghalong sa mga Berdugong 62nd IB
April 24, 2024 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | NPA-Central Negros (Leonardo Panaligan Command) | JB Regalado | Spokesperson |

Sa pihak sang grabe nga pag-antus sa kapiot nga pagpangabuhi sang mga mangunguma sa kaumahan tuga sang El Niño, wala man puas ang kakugmat, dislokasyon kag perwisyo nga naaguman sang pumuluyo tuga sang militarisasyon sa Central Negros. Sa Mangkas o La Carlota City, Negros Occidental, masobra na sa tatlo ka bulan nga militarisado ang mga […]