Archive of Features

Balik-tan-aw sa pagpang-agaw sang dutang ansestral sa Far South Mindanao
August 07, 2022

  Ang Agosto 9 International nga Adlaw sang Tumandok nga Pumuluyo, suno sa United Nations. Ginadumdom ang adlaw nga ini sang mga pungsodnon nga minorya sa Pilipinas nga wala untat nga nagabato para sa ila duta kag mga kinamatarung. Lakip sa mga ini ang Lumad sa malayo nga nabagatnang Mindanao nga nagaantus sang dinekada nga […]

Disgrasya kag dislokasyon ang dulot sang pagmina sa Davao Oriental
August 07, 2022

  Disgrasya kag lapnagon nga dislokasyon ang gindulot sang dinekada na nga operasyon sang Pujada Nickel Project nga makit-an sa Banaybanay kag Mati City sa Davao Oriental. Ang proyekto nga ini palangitan-an sang lokal nga gubyerno kag mga ahensya kag mapintas nga ginapangapinan sang militar kag pulis sa pihak sang hayag nga malain nga epekto […]

Pataratas nga pagpamomba sang AFP, 
salot sa sibilyan
August 07, 2022

Ginbalita sang Hulyo ang plano sang 79th IB, isa ka kumand sa idalom sang 303rd IBde, nga magahulog sang mga bomba sa Minapasuk Mandalagan Mountain Range sa Negros. Kabahin kuno ang plano nga ini para sa kontra-insurhensya batuk sa Bagong Hukbong Bayan (BHB). Antes ang ginaplano nga 3-adlaw nga pagpamomba, gintuyo nga palayason sang militar […]

Re­ha­bi­li­ta­syon, in­di rek­la­ma­syon: Mga pag­ba­to
August 07, 2022

Sa Sta­te of the Na­ti­on Address ni Fer­di­nand Marcos Jr sang Hul­yo 25, gin­sam­bit ni­ya nga wa­la si­ya sang isus­pen­dir sa mga pro­yek­tong imprastruk­tu­ra nga na­su­gu­ran na sa ida­lom ni Rod­ri­go Du­ter­te. La­kip di­ri ang in­di mag­nu­bo sa 30 pro­yek­tong rek­la­ma­syon nga ara sa nag­ka­la­in­la­in nga le­bel sang imple­men­ta­syon, di­sen­yo kag pag­han­da. Ta­nan nga mga […]

Aerial terrorism
October 21, 2021

Third part of the series on the inhumane and destructive use of drones and aerial bombing. FIRST PART: Killing by drone and aerial bombing SECOND PART: Brutal weapons of bombing and strafing  The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)’s aerial bombardment, together with the use of drones and aerial strafing by helicopters, is one of […]

Duterte's 2022 budget will continue to satiate his generals
October 07, 2021

Rodrigo Duterte announced on September 24 that he will not hesitate to use the military to prevent “trouble” in the upcoming 2022 elections. On many occasions, the tyrant has expressed his confidence that he can trust the generals of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) as he continues to give them favors. Under the […]

Duterte railroads passage of the 2022 national budget
October 07, 2021

In compliance with Duterte’s orders, his minions in Congress railroaded the passage of the proposed 2022 national budget approving it on second and third reading on September 30 despite being riddled with anomalies. The ₱5.02-trillion proposed national budget is the highest in Philippine history. This includes an ₱8.2-billion allocation to the Office of the President. […]

When will vaccines reach the countryside?
October 07, 2021

It will still take some time before vaccines reach the countryside. For the past seven months, the Philippine’s vaccine rollout has been marred by shortages, delays and favoritism. Last June, many local government officials complained of “vaccine czar” Carlito Galvez’s favoring areas lorded over by Rodrigo Duterte’s family, factotums and partymates. For a long time, […]

Brutal weapons of bombing and strafing
October 07, 2021

As a brutal counterinsurgency tactic, the employment of drones, helicopters and fighter jets for aerial bombing and strafing started under the Duterte fascist regime. Over the past years, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) bought weapons left and right to strengthen its “air superiority.” Hundreds of billions of pesos were squandered to buy drones, […]

Farmers face bankruptcy amid low farmgate prices
October 07, 2021

Local rice farmers continue to face poverty due to feudal exploitation, lack of production support, low farmgate prices, and the regime’s all-out importation of cheaper rice. They are facing severe hardships due to the declining farmgate price of palay. According to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), palay farmgate price was only ₱17.14 up to ₱20.87 […]