Archive of Ang Bayan

The miserable situation of Misamis Oriental coconut farmers
January 21, 2024

Tatay Gil makes a living by selling copra. In his town, copra sells for only ₱25 per kilo. Quarterly, he sells only 300 kilos of copra to buyers. In short, he only earns ₱7,500. This is very low even though the processing company is close to their village. Misamis Oriental province is known as the […]

62nd IB military abuses in Central Negros continues
January 21, 2024

Units of the 62nd IB carried out a series of murders, attempted murders, harassment and other human rights violations on Negros island in recent weeks. Soldiers abducted, tortured then killed two civilians in Barangay Sag-ang, La Castellana, Negros Occidental on the morning of January 17. To cover up their heinous crime, the soldiers made it […]

In short
January 21, 2024
Ae­ri­al bom­bing sa Bu­kid­non, gi­kun­de­na sa mga gru­pong in­ter­na­syu­nal
January 21, 2024

Gi­kun­de­na sa In­ter­na­tio­nal Coa­li­ti­on for Hu­man Rights in the Phi­lip­pi­nes (ICHRP) ug Fri­ends of the Fi­li­pi­no Peop­le in Struggle ang pag­pa­mom­ba sa Ar­med Forces of the Phi­lip­pi­ne sa usa ka kam­po sa Ba­gong Huk­bong Ba­yan (BHB) sa Ma­lay­ba­lay City niad­tong Di­syembre 25, 2023. Ma­tud sa mga gru­po, la­pas sa in­ter­na­syu­nal nga ma­ki­taw­ha­nong ba­la­od (IHL) ang […]

International groups condemn aerial bombing in Bukidnon
January 21, 2024

The International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines (ICHRP) and Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle condemned the Armed Forces of the Philippines for the bombing of a New People’s Army (NPA) camp in Malaybalay City on December 25, 2023. The groups said the bombing, which used excessive or disproportionate force against the […]

Op­lan sab-it ug op­lan di­kit, gi­lun­sad sa Rizal ug May­ni­la
January 21, 2024

Gi­lun­sad sa mga re­bo­lu­syo­nar­yong or­ga­ni­sa­syon sa Met­ro Ma­ni­la ug Rizal ang op­lan sab-it ug op­lan di­kit aron ha­ta­gag im­por­tan­sya ang ani­ber­sar­yo sa Par­ti­do Ko­mu­nis­ta ng Pi­li­pi­nas ug ang re­bo­lu­syo­nar­yong ka­li­hu­kan. Sa Rizal, nag­lun­sad og op­lan sab-it ang Par­ti­do Ko­mu­nis­ta ng Pi­li­pi­nas (PKP)-Rizal niad­tong Ene­ro 9 sa An­ti­po­lo City aron dum­du­mon ang ika-55 nga ani­ber­sar­yo sa […]

Revolutionary groups put up streamers and posters in Rizal and Manila
January 21, 2024

Revolutionary organizations in Metro Manila and in the adjacent province of Rizal carried out oplan sabit and oplan dikit (streamer and poster operations) to celebrate the anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the revolutionary movement. In Rizal, the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP)-Rizal hang streamers on January 9 in Antipolo City […]

6-month old infant, victim of counterinsurgency campaign in India
January 21, 2024

Indian reactionary state forces killed a 6-month-old baby in Mutvendi, Bijapur district, Chhattisgarh state on January 1. State forces say there was an “encounter” with Maoist guerrillas when the child was killed, a claim residents refute. According to witnesses, Massi Vadde was breastfeeding her 6-month-old baby when Indian security forces opened fire in a forested […]

6 ka bu­lang ba­ta, bik­ti­ma sa kontra-in­sur­hen­si­yang kam­pan­ya sa In­dia
January 21, 2024

Gi­pa­tay sa mga pwer­sa sa reak­syu­nar­yong es­ta­do sa In­dia ang 6 ka ­bu­lang ba­ta sa Mutven­di, distri­to sa Bija­pur, es­ta­do sa Chat­tis­garh niad­tong Ene­ro 1. Gi­pa­ga­was sa mga pwer­sa sa es­ta­do nga adu­nay na­hi­ta­bong “eng­kwentro” sa mga ge­ril­yang Maois­ta di­hang ma­pa­tay ang ba­ta, bu­tang nga gi­pang­hi­ma­kak sa mga re­si­den­te. Ma­tud sa mga sak­si, nag­pa­tu­toy si […]

January 21, 2024

  Oppose reclamation. Fishermen and environmentalists protested on January 19 at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in Quezon City to reiterate their demand to stop reclamation projects in the country. It was timed with the 5th anniversary of the Manila Bay Rehabilitation Program. Free Mary Jane Veloso. Mary Jane Veloso’s relatives and supporters […]