Archive of Uncategorized

Condemn killing of 3-year old in drug war
July 06, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today expressed strongest condemnation for the Philippine National Police over the death of 3-year old Myka Ulpina who was shot by police operatives last June 29 in “anti-drug” operations in Rodriguez, Rizal. “The Party and all revolutionary forces expresses sympathy with Myka’s mother and family and supports their […]

Resist DILG pressure to declare Left forces "persona non grata"
July 05, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) denounces the AFP-instigated publicity campaign of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) for putting undue pressure on local government units to compel them to declare the CPP and New People’s Army (NPA), as well as “Left-wing groups” as persona non grata. If they refuse, these officials […]

Duterte is persona non grata to the Filipino people
July 05, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

Rodrigo Duterte, consummate reactionary, chief drug protector and overlord of drug syndicates, number one terrorist butcher and fascist murderer, national traitor, US lackey and sell-out to China, friend of the oligarchs and foreign capitalists, model and patron saint of corrupt big bureaucrats, and scourge and enemy of workers, peasants and ordinary people, is persona non […]

End seven decades of semicolonial yoke
July 04, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

After almost half a century of suffering colonial subjugation, the Philippines was “granted” independence on July 4, 1946 by the United States government. More than seven decades hence, the country remains under US economic, political, military and cultural domination. The US imperialists have perpetuated semicolonial rule in the country through successive puppet governments–from Roxas to […]

Duterte is strengthening case for his impeachment
July 02, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

By declaring he had a “verbal agreement” with Chinese President Xi Jinping to allow the Chinese to trawl within the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the country, President Duterte is inadvertently strengthening the case for his impeachment before the Philippine congress. Again, Duterte has exhibited abuse of power and prerogative. He entered into an international […]

Three years of tyrannical rule is enough!
June 30, 2019 |

The Filipino people people have had enough under Duterte’s three-year reign of tyranny and terrorism, mass murder, abuse of military and police powers, dictatorial threats, national treason, subservience to foreign interests, misogyny, lies, threats and intimidation. Under Duterte, the broad masses have suffered from ever worsening oppression in the face of low wages, job loss […]

Condemn US warship docking in Davao, Duterte’s subservience to US
June 30, 2019 |

Even as Duterte displays outright slavishness to China over the Recto Bank incident, he manifests utter subservience to the US imperialists by allowing US warships and military troops to continue using the country as a large military base. Yesterday, one of these ships, the US Navy’s USS Montgomery, a littoral combat ship, docked at the […]

Duterte will not be impeached, but he can be kicked out by the people for so many reasons
June 28, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The tyrant Duterte cannot be impeached, not because there are not enough reasons behind it, but rather because Duterte’s minions in his rubberstamp congress will not allow it. And just to make sure they won’t even think about it, Duterte has made overt threats of throwing into jail anyone who will try to impeach him. […]

Denounce PNP for cover-up of fascist mass killings
June 26, 2019 |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) denounces the Philippine National Police (PNP) for trying to cover-up and downplay the extent of fascist mass killings perpetrated by both the police and Duterte’s death squads in the course of Duterte’s so-called “drug war.” The CPP denounces the PNP for its rejection of calls of international human […]

The propaganda war: Truth will always trump Duterte's lies
June 25, 2019 |

A military official was reported to have acknowledged that the Duterte regime is losing the propaganda war with the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the revolutionary forces. In a Philippine Daily Inquirer report, National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) Director General Alex Paul Monteagudo claims that the CPP-NPA “has exploited and deceived the people […]