A Red Salute to Hannah Jay "Ka Maya" Cesista and All Revolutionary Martyrs in the Recent Bohol Encounter


Kabataang Makabayan (KM)-Negros gives its firm red salute to Hannah Jay “Ka Maya” Cesista, along with Domingo “Ka Silong” Compoc, Parlito “Ka Aldrin” Segovia, Marlon “Ka Darwin” Omosura, and Ka Juaning, who were martyred after an encounter between Red fighters of the New People’s Army (NPA)-Bohol and combined fascist troops of the Bohol Police Provincial Office and 47th Infantry Battalion last February 23 in Barangay Campagao, Bilar, Bohol.

We extend, as well, our sympathies to their families and the broad masses of workers and peasants whom they chose to fight for to their last breath. We mourn the loss of such valiant comrades, but grief shall serve as fuel to the revolutionary flame in our hearts that can never be extinguished until the national democratic aspirations they offered their lives for are achieved.

We particularly raise our fists to our fellow youth, Hannah Jay “Ka Maya” Cesista, whose revolutionary martyrdom serves as inspiration in expressing our militancy through joining the ranks of the NPA. Her pursuit of championing human rights took her to the difficult path of armed struggle after witnessing state fascism and terrorism and, by extension reactionary law, as but utilities of the ruling class to exploit and oppress the people.

Ka Maya offered her expertise and intellect to strengthen the revolutionary ranks of the NPA in Bohol, serving the people wholeheartedly. Despite the incessant smear campaign of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Ka Maya’s life was far from wasted. In fact, she has proven, along with the thousands of martyred Red fighters, that the revolution continues through the ceaseless flow of new blood from the youth who are radicalized in the cities and the countryside, eager for genuine national democracy and lasting peace.

In this semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, it is both just and necessary to revolt against imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat capitalism. Fellow youth, let us succeed Ka Maya’s revolutionary aspirations that can only be realized through a people’s democratic revolution.

Long live all revolutionary martyrs and heroes!
Advance the people’s war!
Join the NPA!

A Red Salute to Hannah Jay "Ka Maya" Cesista and All Revolutionary Martyrs in the Recent Bohol Encounter