Advance the NDR and lead the people in overthrowing the fascist US-Duterte regime


Read in: Bisaya

The Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines in NorthEastern Mindanao Region (CPP-NEMR) renders its warmest greetings to all members of the Party, Red fighters and commanders of the New People’s Army (NPA), members of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), revolutionary activists, friends and allies as the 52nd anniversary of the CPP is celebrated all over the country. Today we salute all the martyrs of the revolution. Their contributions to the revolution are inspirations to continue and further advance the National Democratic Revolution (NDR).

This year we commemorate the anniversary of the re-establishment of the CPP amidst intensified attacks against the people by the brutal US-Duterte regime and sufferings brought about by the calamities that are COVID19 and typhoons.

For more than 50 years the CPP successfully lead the NDR in semi-colonial and semi-feudal Philippines. Two years have also passed since the second CPP congress when the Party pushed for correcting conservatism, which for almost two decades, prevented the further advance of the movement. The Party pursued the rectification amidst intensified attacks of the fascist US-Duterte, thus it is to be expected that the entire Party organization, Red fighters and commanders of the NPA and the entire revolutionary forces go through difficulties.

It is true that we encountered challenges, but we were able to overcome these. The killer Duterte along with his AFP/PNP failed to annihilate the revolutionary forces of NEMR, despite the continuing deployment of mercenary AFP and PNP in the region using modern military armaments and perpetrating brutal repression of the people.

The terrorist US-Duterte/AFP/PNP increased the suffering of the Filipino people through their terroristic acts of brutally violating human rights such as killing civilians and unrelenting military operations that destroy farms in the mountains including that of the Lumad in NEMR. Continuing military operations are damaging the efforts of farmers and Lumad to help mitigate the loss of livelihood in the COVID 19 affected towns. The military and police encamp in communities and control the residents as they would in garrisons and prisons. The residents are further harassed by bombings and threats accusing them of being members or supporters of the NPA. Amidst all these, the local Party branches persevered so that their movements were not totally restricted and continued initiatives of developing communities in the face of intensified repression by the enemy.

The NPA in NEMR was relentlessly attacked by the enemy through bombings using “advanced” air assets. Under the correct leadership of the Party, these difficulties were surmounted and its organization was not destroyed. Above all, it continues to be determined in overcoming weaknesses in order to advance in the next year.

Through the persevering leadership of the CPP over the NDR, particularly in NEMR, organizing the people will be intensified and more creative. The Party will unify and lead the people and transform their strength into a force, much like a strong current, that will overthrow the brutal US-Duterte regime.

Long live the CPP!
Advance the NDR to a higher stage!
Long live the struggling people!
Unite to overthrow despicable Duterte!

Advance the NDR and lead the people in overthrowing the fascist US-Duterte regime