AFP kills civilian with mental health problem in Dolores, Eastern Samar


The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today reported that Philippine Army troops shot dead an onlooking civilian with a mental health problem, and not a fighter of the New People’s Army, in an encounter in Dolores, Eastern Samar last August.

Citing reports from the NPA-Eastern Samar (Sergio Lobina Command or SLC), the NDF-EV accused elements of the 78th Infantry Battalion, Charlie Company led by 2nd Lt. Christopher Noynoy Tenteo of killing and planting evidence against a civilian in Sitio Kabugawan, Barangay Aroganga last August 16.

The victim, who happened to be near the clash between the soldiers and the NPA, threw a coconut toward a soldier who mistook this for a grenade and shot him dead on the spot. The victim’s family is outraged especially since the victim was recently discharged from a mental health facility in Metro Manila.

The NDF-EV sympathizes with the victim’s family and shares their outrage at this latest crime by the fascist AFP troops. Such is the fear of these murderous troops against the NPA that in their trigger-happy panic they include non-combatants among their firing targets.

The NDF-EV urges the Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) and other human rights groups to investigate this violation of the Comprehensive Agreement for the Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. They must hold accountable 2nd Lt. Tenteo as well as commanders Lt. Col. Oliver Alvior of the 78th IB, Brig. Gen. Camilo Ligayo of the 801st Infantry Brigade, and Maj. Gen. Pio Dinoso of the 8th Infantry Division for this senseless killing, and for simply framing their victim as an NPA fighter to cover up their crime. We call for their immediate relief and due punishment in the appropriate courts.

The NDF-EV urges the New People’s Army to carry out its task of defending the people and to punish the worst human rights violators and criminals among the US-Duterte regime’s fascist troops. They must serve notice that these violators’ crimes will not go unpunished.#

AFP kills civilian with mental health problem in Dolores, Eastern Samar