AFP-PNP's "Insurgency-Free Bohol" declarations are outdated mantras


The fascist military and police forces became a huge laughing stock and blabber as walking oxymorons in uniforms as they continuously declare the “insurgency-free” status of Bohol despite the armed encounter that transpired between the New People’s Army (NPA) and joint forces of the AFP-PNP late last month.

An armed encounter ensued between a unit of New People’s Army – Bohol and AFP-PNP last October 24, 2019 in the hinterlands of Bilar. The turbulent exchange of fires started at around 11:40AM and lasted for about an hour until the fascists beat a hasty retreat.

The enemy acquired a minimum of two (2) casualties. On the other side, contrary to the fallacious claims of the reactionary government’s mercenary troops, no one was wounded nor killed among the Red Fighters, who, utilizing their guerilla warfare, gained an upperhand by positioning in a favorable terrain and instigated the attack against the enemy.

The incident was a legitimate clash between soldiers of the two existing governments in the country — the new democratic government of the people and Duterte’s current reactionary government. The New People’s Army, as soldiers of the poor Filipino people, are eternally determined to defend and struggle for the interest of the people victimized by the traitorous, poverty-inflicting, plunderer, and brutal US-Duterte regime.

99% of the 1.2 million Boholanos who are mostly farmers and workers continuously suffer from exploitation and poverty. The fearlessness and yearning for struggle of the Boholano people coupled with the more than 101,000 hectares of forestland in the island will serve as strategic advantage for the advancement of the protracted people’s war in Bohol and the entire country. The revolutionary movement will ceaselessly persist as the only means to get to the bottom of the omnipresence of poverty in a semi-feudal and semi-colonial system controlled by imperialist countries such as the US in connivance with the local ruling class.

In conlusion, the National Democratic Front – Bohol warmly commends the Boholano people, especially the farmers, in their unabating and active participation and support to the national democratic revolution waged by the people.##

AFP-PNP's "Insurgency-Free Bohol" declarations are outdated mantras