Block sell-out of Philippine oil in Duterte's 5th China visit

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today urged the Filipino people to guard against the possibility of “another sell-out” over the possibility of the signing of a “lopsided and anomalous” oil drilling agreement when Rodrigo Duterte visits China starting tomorrow.

In a statement released yesterday calling for a “national patriotic front against Chinese economic encroachment and military intrusion,” the CPP argued that “considering the fact that the country has all rights over its exclusive economic zone, such a deal is anomalous and utterly lopsided.”

“The country can freely choose when, how and with whom to carry out the drilling of oil in the area ensuring that it serves primarily the country’s interests.”

Oil reserves in the South China Sea is estimated by Chinese agencies to be worth $60 trillion.

Duterte is set to go on another China visit starting August 27-September 1. This will be his fifth official visit since assuming the presidency in mid-2016 during which the CPP expects him to “commit ever greater acts of treachery.”

The CPP said that in previous visits, “Duterte and his large retinue of big business friends, politicians and family members have received imperial treatment.” It also pointed out that “business deals and state agreements have been forged” where “most have been kept secret.”

The CPP scoffed at Duterte’s statement that he will discuss with Chinese President Xi Jinping the 2016 ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) which declared invalid China’s historic claims in the West Philippine Sea.

“The mendicant Duterte is merely putting up a purposeless drama to overstate his importance as he has already prejudicially declared he could do nothing if China insists on refusing to recognize the ruling.”

Several new loan agreements and contracts are expected to be signed during Duterte’s visit including China’s proposed joint oil exploration in the West Philippine Sea which the Philippine president has already declared willingness to approve.

Block sell-out of Philippine oil in Duterte's 5th China visit