Duterte's all-out war is set to surpass the brutalities of Marcos' Martial Law

On the 47th anniversary of the US-Marcos regime’s martial law declaration, the National Democratic Front of the Philippines–North Eastern Mindanao Region (NDFP-NEMR) firmly unites with the people’s struggle against the fascist US-Duterte regime and reaffirms its commitment in advancing the people’s war.

Martial law under the US-Marcos regime resulted in the brutal suppression of the people for 14 years. Forty-seven years after, Marcos’ vileness is resurrected in Rodrigo Duterte, and Marcos’ evil dictatorial regime is set to be surpassed by Duterte through his recent declaration all-out war and “whole-of-nation approach”.

The US-Duterte regime has recently formally announced an all-out war against revolutionary forces to justify the perpetuation of martial law. Its aim is no different from when Duterte ordered the attack against Marawi City and the Bangsamoro, and even used his own doing to pave the way for the declaration of martial law in Mindanao. Duterte, the first ever president from Mindanao, is solely responsible for the destruction and devastation of Marawi, the only Islamic city in the country. He is responsible for the displacement and dislocation of its whole population of nearly half a million. Duterte alone holds the title as the only Philippine president who has accomplished such a feat.

Under Oplan Kapayapaan and the AFP-PNP Joint Campaign Kapanatagan, Duterte’s all-out war will surely intensify sustained and focused military operations of the AFP and PNP in the Caraga region. This will further be characterized by heightened bombings, canon shelling and surveillance of drones.

From January to September of this year, more than 100 military operations have been launched by the 401st and 402nd PA Brigade against the people in the region. Recently, elements of the 75th IB burned farm houses in Brgy. Bunawan, Brook, Bunawan in Agusan del Sur. The AFP also shelled farmlands in Brgy. Imelda, Trento, Agusan del Sur. On September 14, elements of the Scout Ranger and the 29th IB murdered Datu Carlito Andohoyan in Sitio Dandanon, Brgy. Kolambugan, Sibagat, Agusan del Sur.

In line with these, more operations of the so-called Community Support Program (CSP) are expected to be launched. These, actually, are mere smokescreens for harassment, forced and fake surrenders and house-to-house operations intended to terrorize residents. Also, through the CSP, barangay councils are being forced to sign pre-accomplished resolutions declaring the NPA “persona non grata”, with military officers personally facilitating barangay council sessions.

More detachments will be hurriedly built to directly harass, threaten and kill innocent civilians and Lumads. These detachments will further enforce food blockades in communities, in which residents’ purchases from village stores and the city markets are limited and heavily monitored. These impositions by the military have caused great inconvenience to residents as they are forced to observe strict curfew hours that obstruct their work in their farmlands and limit their movements and livelihood.

The so-called “whole-of-nation approach” implemented by the NTF and RTF-ELCAC, on the other hand, has militarized the entire bureaucracy, from all civilian agencies in government to LGUS from the provincial to barangay levels. The AFP and PNP will control and utilize the government’s civilian structure to deceptively deodorize their militaristic attacks against the people and revolutionary movement.

Human rights violations will be more rampant, especially since the AFP and PNP are granted immunity by Duterte from criminal accountability for their abuses. In the region, eight have been killed this year alone, while more than 20 have been murdered by elements of the AFP and PNP in the past three years; countless others have been slapped with trumped-up charges. Cases of harassment and red-tagging of church people, lawyers, media personnel and leaders of progressive organizations will increase. Suppression of workers’ struggles, closure of media institutions, repression of the youth and the student movement and warrantless arrests will worsen.

Here in the region, more and more cases of military intervention in high schools and colleges have taken place (in CSU, Urios, among others) through so-called “anti-communist lectures” and “recruitment campaigns” by the AFP in order to conduct surveillance on students and teachers suspected of “supporting” or “recruiting” for the NPA.

As in Marcos’ time, there is no other solution to the US-Duterte regime’s martial law than to strengthen the armed struggle and people’s war!

Despite of the brutality of the US-Duterte regime’s martial law, it will ever fail to douse the flames of the revolutionary movement and struggle of the people for genuine peace and democracy.

The fascist US-Duterte regime can never end the struggle of the masses of workers, peasants and Lumads in the region and the country to advance their economic interests, among these the lowering of land rent, increase in wages, and increase in prices of agricultural produce (especially palay and coconut). Despite the suppression of protests, the people have persevered and resounded in their calls for genuine land reform, national industrialization and just peace.

The New People’s Army in Northeastern Mindanao and nationwide continue to launch one tactical offensive after another to defend the people against the US-Duterte regime’s all-out war. These counter-attacks by the NPA have resulted in numerous casualties in the enemy’s ranks. And, with the recent intensification of the all-out war, we expect more frequent military actions by the NPA against fascist troops of the AFP, PNP and their para-military.

We call on the people to unite against martial law in Mindanao and the de facto martial law nationwide. Oust the US-Duterte regime! Further strengthen the people’s war!



Duterte's all-out war is set to surpass the brutalities of Marcos' Martial Law