On DND order suspending joint exercises, patrols with US

The CPP welcomes Defense Secretary Lorenzana’s announcement that the Duterte government has already formally informed the US government and military about ending joint sea patrols and joint military exercises.

The CPP also welcomes his announcement that American troops based in Zamboanga involved in electronic surveillance operations will be asked to leave after the Philippines acquire the intelligence-gathering capabilities.

Likely aware of the DND announcement, US military units yesterday began pulling out their equipment from Zamboanga, revealing how much they want to keep their equipment and capabilities to themselves.

We welcome how GRP President Duterte is walking his talk of an independent foreign policy. He is positively addressing the long standing demand of the Filipino people to promote national sovereignty and end US neocolonial rule.

With the Filipino people, the GRP president can walk further along the path of national independence. The CPP calls on GRP President Duterte to rescind the EDCA and order all military bases and facilities inside AFP camps to be shuttered. He must further rescind the Visiting Forces Agreement and the Mutual Defense Treaty.

On DND order suspending joint exercises, patrols with US