
On Duterte’s declaration that “enemies of state” will not be prioritized in vaccination


Duterte’s fiendish and fascist mindset is again revealed when he declared that “enemies of the state” should not be prioritized in Covid-19 vaccination.

Duterte is obsessed with counterinsurgency. He even wants to use medical service as a weapon of war which is inconsistent with basic medical ethics and humanitarian principles. In line with humanitarian principles of war, medical service or treatment must be extended even to one’s enemy, even in times of combat.

Duterte is making senseless noise to cover-up the fact that vaccine distribution in the rural areas is grossly lacking. Kulang na kulang na nga ang bakuna, tagibang na tagibang pa ang distribusyon.

Sa maraming erya na kinikilusan ng NPA, malaking porsyento pa ng populasyon ang hindi nababakunahan dahil malayo ang mga vaccination center at walang pera ang masa para bumiyahe sa mga sentro.

It is a good thing that the NPA has taken the initiative to work with mass organizations and village health workers to prepare lagundi, tanglad and other herbal preparations, that are used to treat coughs, colds, fever and other symptoms of Covid-19.

On Duterte’s declaration that “enemies of state” will not be prioritized in vaccination