Stop funding state fascism

Read in: Pilipino

The NTF-ELCAC relies on illogical statements to conceal its futile existence as an agency. The agency’s undertaking is rife with deception, squandering of public funds, ruthlessness and oppression. It serves as the primary enforcers of regime’s all-out war against the people.

Every year, the military junta has compelled the congress to allocate billions to the NTF-ELCAC. A big chunk of these is pocketed by military junta officials as the list grows for fake surrenderees, fabricated encounters, detained, tortured and killed civilians. Just for the surrenderee program alone, a minimum of P1.204 billion have been purloined based on Usec. Lorraine Badoy’s claim that more that 14,000 have availed of the Enhanced Community Local Integration Program (ECLIP). Part of this, more than P30 million alotted for the 350 civilians who were forced and tricked by the Retooled Community Support Program (RCSP) in 6 municipalites of Sorsogon. In December 2019, officials of the 2nd IB and their cohorts in the RTF-ELCAC have filched a whooping P12 million after they declared as surrenderees more than 150 farmers who gathered in Masbate City to commerate the International Human Rights Day. Civilians are misled to avail of the ECLIP in other parts of the region. Most of them received not a single penny.

NTF-ELCAC has allocated P16.4 billion to vanity campaign of theNTF-ELCAC in communities across the country where they wreaked havoc. Meanwhile, the regime is at its wit’s end as to where to procure the additional P22 billion aid for the majority of the Filipino people who lost their livelihood or the P16 billion needed to pay for the backwages of frontliners since January. The country is already up to its neck in debt to fund botched measures to combat layers of threat to the life and livelihood of the Filipino masses, and yet, here comes the military junta commanding that the people continue to fund an all out war that targets their fellowmen. After running down communities with militarization, widespread human rights abuse, and hindering the people’s right to peacefully conduct their social and economic activities, its henchmen have the nerve to strut like heroes.

In spite of the state’s brandishing of fascist terrorism, exponential hunger would force people to meet head-on the dangers of CoVid-19 and cast aside their fears in order to survive.The Filipino people stands firm in their quest to exact just retribution from those who, through criminal negligence, mired them in social crisis. Revolutionary spirit rages across the country as the torments of the regime’s brutalities heighten.

NDF-Bicol calls on all Bicolanos to actively support all their fellowmen. The strength of the Filipino people must be united in order to impel all public servants, especially Duterte, to dismantle and defund instruments of fascism and instead generously allot funds for the basic needs, health services and other social services of the Filipino people.

Only through a manifestation of united stength will any regime abandon a purely military strategy to address the roots of armed revolution in the country. Only through the victory of the people’s just war can the Filipino people benefit from a genuine and nationalist economic program that will not felled by the onslaught of any health crisis and economic crisis.

Heed the call of our generation!
Freedom from poverty rests in our hands!
Win the people’s revolution!

Stop funding state fascism