Paramilitary attacks Lumad sanctuary

FEW DAYS AFTER the Regional Peace and Order Council 11 ordered the closure of the UCCP Haran Center in Davao City, the compound was attacked by paramilitary forces on January 25. Using bolos, members of the Alamara, a paramilitary group directed by the butcher military, destroyed the walls and fences of Haran which serves as sanctuary to 500 Lumad evacuees. The said evacuees were forced to leave their ancestral lands due to intense militarization.

Around 50 paramilitary troopers attacked at Haran. According to reports, the Alamara members coerced evacuees to return to their communities in Kapalong and Talaingod, Davao del Norte.

The policed arrived at Haran but refused to arrest the Alamara members. Instead, they barred the media from entering the compound.

Lumad leaders stood firm that they will stay in the sanctuary until they are ensured of safety in the communities.

Paramilitary attacks Lumad sanctuary