Stronger than the storm


Stronger than the storm

Stronger than the storm
Is the people united
More powerful than the flood
Is the deluge of resistance
When the masses rise
Nothing stands in their way,
Nothing hinders their advance
For they are the makers of history
And the revolution’s
inevitable victory

And lo those who exploit
the landed gentry and their sharks
the bourgeois compradors
and fascist soldiers
the plunderers of the land
and the fat bureaucrat looters
the imperialists that siphon off
the wealth of the people
and ravage nature
All of them shall stand
in judgment
under the people’s
hammer and sickle
They shall be weighed
and found wanting
On the day
of our triumphant marching!

First published in Pasa Bilis! July 2013 issue
(Pasa Bilis! Special Issue, December 4, 2022)

Stronger than the storm