NDF-Rizal distributes pamphlets for the NPA's 55th anniversary

This article is available in Pilipino

Members of the National Democratic Front (NDF)-Rizal distributed pamphlets to attendees of the Alay Lakad in Antipolo City on March 28. The NDF-Rizal took the occasion to amplify the celebration of the 55th anniversary of the New People’s Army (NPA). Alay Lakad is a Catholic traditional activity during Holy Week, with millions of devotees joining in.

They distributed pamphlets containing ’10 Reasons Why the People Love the NPA,’ released by the NPA-Southern Tagalog (Melito Glor Command). The pamphlet extols the NPA as the true army of the people that defends their democratic interests and will liberate the country from the neocolonial rule of the US imperialist.

It also clarifies what duties and what the Red fighters do for the toiling masses, refuting the lies spread by the armed forces of the reactionary state AFP-PNP-CAFGU, National Task Force-Elcac.

According to Ka Arman Guerrero, spokesperson of the NDF-Rizal, the distribution is just one of a series of celebration activities showcasing and honoring the heroism of the Red fighters of the people’s army.

Guerrero said the revolutionaries in the province of Rizal are ready to intensify the struggles of various basic and exploited classes and contribute to the strengthening of the organs of political power in the countryside.

This March, the AFP once again announced a “deadline” to defeat NPA units in guerrilla fronts by the end of March, all “vertical units” of the army by the end of June and the entire NPA by the end of 2024. The new two-month deadline was announced after the last “deadline” of defeating the revolutionary movement passed at the end of 2023, and almost every year before that.

AB: NDF-Rizal distributes pamphlets for the NPA's 55th anniversary