Protests meet Israeli war criminal Netanyahu in US

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Thousands of American protesters greeted Benjamin Netanyahu, Zionist Israel state leader, war criminal and close US imperialist ally, when he visited Washington DC to address the US Congress yesterday, July 24. Netanyahu’s speech defended the genocidal war, which has levelled Gaza and killed 39,000 Palestinians. He attacked protesters outside Congress and called them “idiots” who sided with Iran. At this point the American representatives gave him a standing ovation.

Outside Congress, protesters waved Palestinian flags and chanted “Free Palestine!” They condemned their leaders who colluded with Netanyahu and demanded not to use their name at taxes in Israel’s genocidal campaign. They said that it is such a shame that representatives, both Republican and Democrat, even invited Netanyahu. They burned the effigies of Netanyahu and Biden.

They called Netanyahu a “war criminal” and “Hitler No. 2” and called for his arrest by the International Criminal Court, where a case has been filed against him.

Among those they condemned was Kamala Harris, who was anointed by US president Joseph Biden to run for president in the upcoming elections in November. Biden’s administration has authorized $14 billion in aid to Israel to “help” Netanyahu’s genocidal campaign. Apart from this, Biden also defends Israel and Netanyahu in all its criminal cases in international courts, and even in the UN.

Police violently broke up the protest before their program ended, arresting at least 23 protesters. Six of them were able to enter the congress hall before they were intercepted by the police.

The action was led by the ANSWER Coalition, the Palestinian Youth Movement, and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network.

A day before Netanyahu spoke to Congress, hundreds of Jewish activists staged a sit-in protest inside the building itself. Wearing red shirts with “Not in Our Name” printed on them, they sat in the middle of the rotunda of the Cannon Building, where representatives hold their offices. The police arrested 400 who participated in the protest, which was led by the Jewish Voice for Peace.

AB: Protests meet Israeli war criminal Netanyahu in US