Archive of Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson

AFP and PNP are fascist dogs and liars
September 20, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

The AFP and PNP are fascist dogs and liars. Each day, more lies are being spewed from the AFP/PNP factory. In their desperation to chase the New People’s Army, the AFP once again hopelessly retaliated on civilians. While conducting clearing operations in the boundaries of Canlaon, Moises Padilla, and Guihulngan last September 17, elements of […]

Isikway ang budget sang rehimen Duterte para sa pasismo! Kolektibo nga panawagan para sa pagpalayas sa iya sa poder!
September 08, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

Read in: English Mabaskog nga ginapakamalaut sang Apolinario Gatmaitan Command-New People’s Army sa isla sang Negros ang ginaproponer nga P16.4 ka bilyon nga pundo para sang kontra komunista nga programa- ang National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC). Ini magasabwag lamang sang terorismo kag kalakasan sa mga pumuluyo, sa masobra P4.5 trilyon […]

Reject Duterte’s budget for fascism! Collectively call for his ouster!
September 08, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

Read in: Hiligaynon Apolinario Gatmaitan Command-New People’s Army stongly denounces the 16.4 billion budget allocation of the anti-communist program-the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC), in the almost 4.5 trillion national budget proposal of the US-Duterte regime. This will only sow terrorism and further the atrocities against the people. Amidst the […]

Pabalik-balik nga kabutigan sang 94th IB kag pagpang-atake sa mga pumuluyo
August 28, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

Mabaskog nga ginapakamala-ut kag ginakondinar sang Apolinario Gatmaitan Command, Regional Operational Command, New People’s Army ang illegal nga pag-aresto kag pagpangharass sang mersenaryo nga pwersa sang militar sa idalum sang 94th Infantry Battalion sa ila Francis Verde, Gene Boy Verde, Ronald Pacheco kag Jovel Pacheco, lunsay mga residente sa Sityo Taytay Dos, Brgy. Carabalan, syudad […]

Fake encounters, fake surrenders, and more: The AFP’s corrupt and brutal sham in Negros Island
August 16, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

Last August 14, 2020, in Brgy. Sandayao, Guihulngan City, the AFP once again fabricated an encounter on what in reality were just innocent, unarmed civilians- leaving 1 tortured, amputated and killed, with 3 minors arrested and detained in a military detachment whom they later claimed that they ‘rescued’. In the same Barangay hours after, they […]

AGC-NPA: AFP are the ones preying on innocent civilians
August 12, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

  In yet another display of their senseless tirades, the 303rd Brigade of the AFP claimed that the “Protracted war has taken its toll on innocent civilians”. While baseless, this claim also shows how far these murderers go to deny their doings and pawns while they bask in corrupted money and continue to commit crimes […]

Intensify tactical offensives amid the ongoing crackdown of the regime in the island!
August 08, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

  The NPA-Apolinario Gatmaitan Command (AGC), Regional Operational Command in Negros Island will continue to launch tactical offensives against the fascist AFP/PNP troops who victimize civilians in Negros, through illegal arrests, planting of evidence, and widespread militarization in the countrysides. Since June, there have been at least 5 cases of extrajudicial killings, 27 illegal arrests […]

Hustisya para sa mga biktima sang SEMPO! Silutan ang pasista nga rehimen! Magintra sa NPA!
August 03, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

Paghanduraw sang may kaakig kag pagpakamala-ut sa pagsukat sang ginpatigayon nga SEMPO sang mga berdugo kag mersenaryo nga AFP/PNP sa isla sang Negros Gapahayag sang mabaskog nga kaakig kag pagpakamalaut NPA-Negros upod sa bilog nga katawhan nga Negrosanon sa pagdumdom sa pagsukat sang mga kamatayon bangud sang ginlunsar nga Synchronize Enhanced Managing of Police Operations […]

Duterte kag Pasaporte: mga pasista kag korap nga halimaw nga nagahalit sa Negrosanon
July 31, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

Translation: English Ang nagalala nga wala sang tupa kag mapang-atake nga mga gipahayag sang reaksyunaryo nga gobyerno kag mga mersenaryo nga armado ang nagadugang lang sa kasakit kag pag-antus nga nabatyagan sang mga Negrosanon kag pumuluyong Pilipino. Sa lain-lain nga mga pahayag, ginpamatud-an lang liwat nila ni 303rd brigade commander Pasaporte kag iya nga commander-in-chief […]

Duterte and Pasaporte: fascist and corrupt monsters that plague the Negrosanon
July 31, 2020 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

Translation: Hiligaynon The increasingly tactless and hostile remarks of the reactionary government and its armed mercenaries are adding insult to injury of the suffering Negrosanons and the Filipino people. On separate statements, 303rd brigade commander Pasaporte and his commander-in-Chief Duterte have reaffirmed their long-unveiled monstrous character. Pasaporte has red-tagged legal democratic organizations and its membership […]