Archive of Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer

December 05, 2022 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

  联合起来,大力反对马科斯的马哈里卡投资基金 马可·瓦尔布埃纳 || 首席信息员 || 菲律宾共产党 2022年12月5日 菲律宾共产党与广大民主群体、组织及个人一同强烈谴责马科斯政权设立马哈里卡投资基金[Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF)]的计划,这是一项2700亿菲律宾比索(截止翻译本段时,1比索兑人民币0.126元)的主权投资基金,也仅仅是处于统治地位的贪官污吏窃取公款的计划。 小费迪南德·马科斯想以最快的速度设立这笔基金。他的表弟——发言人费迪南德·罗穆尔兹——和儿子——桑德罗·马科斯(Sandro Marcos)——就在国会领导那些马科斯的跟屁虫们推动通过法案。 这笔基金是马科斯政治王朝统治下的赤裸裸的腐败计划。该计划呼吁将数千亿比索——可能高达一万亿比索的公款——置于马科斯的少数管理人员的控制之下。 该基金将服务于洗白马科斯窃得的大批财富,包括存在外国银行的和在本国的资产,而不必担心公共审查。马科斯家族在十四年的独裁专政期间从公共资金中盗窃了大约一百五十亿美元,只有一小部分被菲律宾政府追回。 该基金计划无疑将让任人唯亲变得更加严重。盗窃公款在投资的名义下是轻而易举的。这使我们想起了椰捐基金(Coco Levy Fund)和老马科斯政权的其他为马科斯家族及其亲信谋取利益的“基金”。马哈里卡基金却绝对至少比马科斯独裁专政时期的所有计划还要坏一千倍。这是最卑鄙的官僚资本主义。 马哈里卡投资基金致力于将公共钱财置于房地产、外国和本国金融市场。特别是在全球经济危机和衰退迅速恶化的情况下,这些行业充满了风险。 马哈里卡投资基金寻求在有关公共利益的方面不受现行法律约束,包括现执政政府所有的和控制的企业[governing government-owned and-controlled corporations (GOCCs)]、采购及其它允许管理人员四处随意投资的行为。不仅如此,该提案将不要求基金管理人员公开投资的流向。 这些管理人员将不受现行法律关于薪水标准化和行政部门的约束,并且可以决定自己得到的报酬数量——以薪水、酬金、津贴、日津贴、奖金的形式。 设立马哈里卡投资基金的计划是极度无耻的,因为它旨在使用养老金领取者的辛苦积蓄(社会保障系统和政府服务保险系统),以及来自土地银行、菲律宾开发银行(Development Bank of the Philippines)和其他公共金融机构的资金,而不顾可能存在的风险。据称这样的行为是为了从金融投资中为政府创造收入。 马科斯鲁莽地计划使用上述养老金系统的资金,即使普通人的月养老金已不足以应对生活成本的提升。公立学校的教师和普通政府雇员完全有权利大声抗议要求停止这项计划并让马科斯家族为从人民那里偷走的钱负责。 若是考虑以下条件,马科斯的该项基金计划就更令人厌恶了:(a)马科斯家族还未支付积压的约2500亿比索的税款;(b)有1.6万亿比索,或者说2023年国家预算的30%将被用来偿还债务;(c)由于《企业复苏和税收激励法案》[Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises (CREATE)]对外国投资者的免税和减税,导致政府收入损失了2500亿比索;(d)马科斯拒绝关注对基本商品免除增值税以减轻人民负担的呼声;(e)马科斯继续在物价升高之时继续压低工人的工资;(f)政府债务已经达到13.52万亿比索(2022年9月),并且将在年底进一步增加到超过14万亿比索…… 在马科斯家族这样的盗贼手中,像马哈里卡投资基金这样的计划只会进一步增长腐败。这只会加剧人民在马科斯官僚资本主义政权统治下的苦难。 我们敦促所有民主组织联合起来,斗争、挫败马哈里卡投资基金,反对马科斯巩固自己不义之财的计划,并要求其归还从菲律宾人民那里偷走的所有金钱。

Unite and vigorously oppose Marcos' Maharlika Investment Fund
December 05, 2022 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the broad democratic sectors, organizations and individuals in strongly denouncing the plan of the Marcos regime to set up the Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF), a ₱275 billion sovereign investment fund, which is nothing but a scheme of the ruling kleptocrats to steal public money. Ferdinand Marcos Jr […]

Raise the demand for freedom of all political prisoners
December 03, 2022 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) extends its solidarity to all political prisoners, their families, friends and supporters in line with the International Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War. The Filipino people, in particular, demand the release of all political prisoners who continue to languish in jail under the Marcos […]

Members of CPP, NPA and NDF have rights under international humanitarian law
December 02, 2022 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) must be roundly denounced for trying to justify and cover-up the willful killing of Ericson Acosta and Joseph Jimenez in Kabankalan City by impugning Acosta’s role as a consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP). The web of lies being desperately woven by the AFP […]

Kundenahin ang AFP sa pagspaslang kay Ericson Acosta, makata at makabagong Andres Bonifacio
November 30, 2022 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Mahigpit na kinukundena ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas (PKP) ang Armed Forces of the Philippines, sa partikular ang 94th IB at 47th IB, sa pagdukot at walang pakundangang pagpatay habang nasa kanilang kostudiya sa kilalang rebolusyonaryong makata na si Ericson Acosta, na nagsilbi ring konsultant pangkapayapaan ng National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) sa […]

Condemn the AFP for the murder of Ericson Acosta, poet and modern-day Andres Bonifacio
November 30, 2022 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) condemns in the strongest terms the Armed Forces of the Philippines, particularly the 94th IB and 47th IB, for the abduction and willful killing while in custody of renowned revolutionary poet Ericson Acosta, who also served as peace consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) […]

The CPP is in solidarity with workers' demand for wage increases during Bonifacio Day
November 29, 2022 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The entire Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) extends its solidarity to all workers and their unions and various forms of association, as well as with the rank-and-file public and private employees and small professionals, and supports their mounting clamor for wage increases, as the Filipino people mark tomorrow the 159th birth anniversary of Andres […]

Nakikiisa ang PKP sa sigaw ng mga manggagawa para sa dagdag-sahod sa Araw ni Bonifacio
November 29, 2022 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Ipinaaabot ng buong Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas (PKP) ang pakikiisa sa lahat ng mga manggagawa at kanilang unyon at iba’t ibang tipo ng asosasyon, gayundin sa mga karaniwang kawani sa publiko at pribadong sektor, at lahat ng maliliit na propesyunal, at sinusuportahan ang kanilang lumalakas na panawagan para sa dagdag na sahod, kasabay ng paggunita […]

Bibisita si Harris sa gitna ng umiigting na panghihimasok militar ng US sa Pilipinas at panggagatong ng inter-imperyalistang gera
November 17, 2022 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Tinutuligsa ng Partido at ng mga pwersang patriyotiko at rebolusyonaryo ng mamamayang Pilipino ang nakatakdang pagbisita sa susunod na linggo ni US Vice President Kamala Harris na magsisilbi sa pagpapaigting ng panghihimasok militar ng US sa bansa at sa rehiyong Asia-Pacific, ibayong panggagatong sa girian ng US sa China, at ibayong pagtataas ng posibilidad ng […]

Harris visit amid heightening US military intervention in PH and stoking inter-imperialist war
November 17, 2022 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Party and Filipino patriotic and revolutionary forces denounce the scheduled visit next week of US Vice President Kamala Harris as it serves the purpose of heightening US military intervention in the country and in the Asia-Pacific region, further stoking tensions with China, and further raising the possibility of inter-imperialist war. The visit by Harris […]