AFP is trying to get away with murder by cremating Ka Oris’ remains

The AFP’s lies to cover up their murder of Ka Oris and Ka Pika just continue to pile up. They are trying to get away with murder by burning all evidence, when they had Ka Oris’ remains cremated with dispatch, on the pretext of Covid-19 protocols. They did not even have the human decency to wait for the family to view his remains for the last time.

Who gave the AFP the right to cremate Ka Oris’s remains? If they wanted to follow protocols, then Ka Oris’ remains could (and should) have been buried in Impasug-ong, especially since there are no cremation facilities in Bukidnon (Covid protocols of the DOH do not provide cremation as the only option for disposing of remains). It is highly questionable that Ka Oris’ remains even had to be transported to Cagayan de Oro (which is a few hours away) to avail of cremation facilities. This further reinforces our view that the AFP is covering-up their crime.

Is it protocol for local officials of Impasug-ong to bring cadavers to CDO for cremation? Who paid for the travel? Was it by land or by air? I think the local officials of Impasug-ong are under intense pressure to follow the military’s orders and are being used as pawns in the coverup of the AFP’s murder of Ka Oris and Ka Pika last October 29.

By unilaterally having Ka Oris’ remains cremated, the AFP has also eliminated all chances of clearing their name. If what they are saying is true, they should not have feared having independent pathologists perform an independent autopsy on the remains of Ka Oris.

Officers of the AFP are acting like like lords who answer to no one, and not subject to oversight. Recall that a few months ago, the AFP refused to release the remains of Kerima Tariman to her family and did so only after having it cremated. Indeed, cremation has become part of the AFP’s protocol to hide their crimes and prop up a false image of respecting human rights.

In violation of human rights and cultural sensitivities, it has become standard practice of the AFP and the Philippine National Police (PNP) to hold the remains of victims of extrajudicial killings, such as the case of the victims of the Bloody Sunday in Southern Tagalog. Autopsies performed on some of the bodies later disprove the claims of the police that the victims “fought back.”

AFP is trying to get away with murder by cremating Ka Oris’ remains