AFP-PNP, stop attacks on members of the press!

This article is available in Pilipino

The mercenary army’s thirst for blood really knows no bounds. They hijacked even the death of journalist Percival ‘Percy Lapid’ Mabasa to justify their cunning harassment and muscle-flexing against members of the press. A number of journalists have revealed that police elements in civilian clothing have recently visited their private residences under the guise of ‘a friendly call’.

It is unsurprising why these surprise visits arouse fear among journalists. First of all, the whole public knows that the police are behind the more than 30,000 cases of killings under Oplan Tokhang and the thousand other cases of political assassinations. Everyday, the news abound with stories of civilians wounding up dead. All those who were killed were alleged to have had fought back or nanlaban – incredulously, these include victims who were children and minors, senior citizens and persons with disabilities. Secondly, majority of attacks against the press, from harassment and red-tagging to assassinations, are masterminded by the state and its armed forces themselves. Have there not been numerous cases already where the police were proved to plant made-up evidences to implicate arrested journalists? As these abuses are commonplace in the country, who would not feel threatened when a police or military element pays a visit indeed?

These mercenary wolves cannot hide in sheep’s clothing. Their reputation has long been rightfully ruined in the eyes of the press and the whole nation. Everyone knows that the real motive behind their visits to these truth defenders is to slyly threaten them and to make it known that their every move is being watched by the police. The regime and its armed forces have their eyes set on the press as they play a crucial role in educating the masses regarding social conditions and are at the forefront of the struggle to defend history from the Marcoses’ gross distortion. Just after Marcos II’s first hundred days, 16 cases of human rights violations against journalists have been recorded. These include two cases of political killings.

NDF-Bikol unites with the journalists on their struggle for their civil rights and liberties. They have been unwavering in pushing back against disinformation and fake news that the AFP-PNP and their bosses proliferate. It is the mark of a truly desperate and anti-people government to silence the people and stifle all dissent and opposition. More than ever, the press and the nation must unite and be resolute in their struggle for their democratic interests.

AFP-PNP, stop attacks on members of the press!