AFP's Red October fairy tale is over, but the real struggle to oust US-Duterte regime continues

Defense Secretary Lorenzana yesterday made himself look stupid by claiming that the AFP has successfully foiled “Red October,” a “plot” which they themselves invented. This is after several weeks of failing to convince the incredulous public of the existence of a supposed “conspiracy” between various political forces with the CPP to oust Duterte and instead rousing widespread indignation and display of vigilance against Duterte’s insidious plans.

The more that Duterte and his military officials insisted “Red October plot” and weaved one fabulous story after another, the more they sounded incredible. The claim by the military and police of having successfully arrested “plotters” in a raid in a farm in Rizal blew up on their faces as those seized by police turned out to be a businesswoman who revealed having paid protection money to police and military officers.

While promoting its “Red October” fiction, AFP officials trained their sights on students, workers, teachers and other sectors. Their narrow fascist mindset revealed itself clearly when they reduced campus activism and workplace struggles as mere tactics of the Party to recruit and organize obscuring the profound socio-economic and political issues which compel people to act collectively.

The AFP and PNP has gone on a frenzy of Red-baiting. Over the past weeks, they have used the “communist plot” bogey to threaten the lives, rights and freedoms of students, workers and other democratic sectors.

By claiming to have “foiled” the so-called “Red October plot,” the AFP makes itself and Duterte appear ever powerful and in control. In fact, it is increasingly weak amid the economic crisis, rapid decline in the standards of living and overall deterioration of the people’s social conditions, deepening factional struggles within its ranks and mounting clamor for Duterte’s ouster. Duterte’s political clout has rapidly waned. He is now an absolute puppet of the US and the US-controlled military and police establishment.

The AFP has ended its “Red October” tale. But the Filipino people must not relent in condemning the Duterte regime for having foisted a campaign of deception and disinformation against those who oppose its tyranny, fascism, narco-politics and anti-people economic policies. They must continue to resist deceitful schemes to perpetuate itself in power through tyranny and state terrorism.

Duterte can now only preserve his rule by having resorted to the worst forms of fascist repression having put the entire Mindanao under martial law, and subjecting the vast countryside across the country to its cruel Oplan Kapayapaan all-out war.

Even now, reports abound of activists in urban areas across the country being subjected to surveillance and threats, and charged with trumped-up criminal cases. In the rural areas, thousands of AFP troops continue to occupy communities and commit grave abuses against the people. Cases of extrajudicial killings, abductions, torture, illegal arrests and other abuses are on the rise.
The AFP may have ended its “Red October” fairy tale but the real and life-and-death struggle of the Filipino people to oust the Duterte regime continues.

AFP's Red October fairy tale is over, but the real struggle to oust US-Duterte regime continues