
Celebrate the 54th anniversary of CPP-MLM! Celebrate the revolutionary spirit of Ka Joma and all the revolutionary martyrs! Vigorously advance the people’s war!

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All revolutionary forces and allies of northern Negros, the Red commanders and fighters of Roselyn Jean Pelle Command – Northern Negros Guerilla Front of the New People’s Army (RJPC-NPA), together with the Filipino people, celebrate the 54th anniversary of the reestablishment of the Communist Party of the Philippines – Marxism-Leninism-Maoism (CPP-MLM) on December 26, 2022.

In time with this celebration, Red commanders and fighters of RJPC-NPA and all the revolutionaries of northern Negros honor the guidance and teachings of CPP-MLM Founding Chairman Comrade Jose Maria Sison, for his lifelong selfless service to the Filipino people and all exploited and oppressed peoples in the whole world.

RJPC-NPA also renders its Red salute to erstwhile Apolinario Gatmaitan Command – Negros Island Regional Operational Command Spokesperson Ka Juanito Magbanua and to National Democratic Front consultant and people’s hero Ka Ericson Acosta and to all revolutionary martyrs and heroes who gave their life up to their last breath to Negrosanons, to Filipinos and the Philippine revolution.

Amidst worsening economic crisis, this year witnessed a bloodier Negros as a result of state-sponsored terrorism handed over by blood-thirsty Rodrigo Duterte to fraudulent Marcos-Duterte tandem.

Year 2022 in northern Negros saw corrupt and award-hungry 79IB of AFP, joined by deceptive scheming 6SAF of PNP, squandering people’s money in their relentless monstrous military operations which target civilians guised as pursuit operation after ‘remnants’ of RJPC-NPA.

Mercenary armed forces perpetrated more and more human rights violations (HRV) as they conducted combat operations in northern Negros. This year recorded a strafing incident harming two (2) children and an arbitrary arrest in Marcelo, Calatrava fictitiously declared as legitimate encounter; and a fake encounter in Minapasuk, Calatrava forcing 150 individuals to evacuate. Combat operations for the masses mean unlawful encampment of state forces in civilian communities and public places, including 79th RCSP units in Sitio Magtuod, Bug-ang and Sitio Malig-on 2, Bandila in Toboso town; Sitio Barangay Site in Hilub-ang, Sitio Ekogan and later to Sitio Victory of Minapasuk, Sitio Proper of Lalong and Sitio Huybesan of Marcelo in Calatrava town; and in Sitio Proper, Gawahon in Victorias City. Several incidents of interrogations at gunpoint (Hinab-ungan and Marcelo, Calatrava) were also recorded, including a minor victim. Physical assault by uniformed operating troops numbered to at least 10 victims (Minapasuk, Calatrava). Forcible and/or illegal entry accounted to at least seven (7) households and illegal search numbered to at least 3 households (both in San Isidro, Toboso and Macasilao, Calatrava). Numerous victims of HRV, recorded in Hilub-ang, Marcelo and Minapasuk all found in Calatrava, were even forced to pose as ‘surrenderrees’ and attend ‘condemnation’ rallies organized by NTF-Elcac based in Escalante City. These documented HRVs are the least number of incidents as several others are yet to be reported and/or verified.

Economic activities and success stories of people’s cooperation are also targeted by fascist state forces. Initially focused in Escalante City, various operational farmers’ or fisher folks association and cooperative in Toboso are disturbed by NTF-Elcac and 79IB and now being converted to personality-based organization or 79IB’s milking cow as these groups are renamed to include Masaligan Farmers’ or Fisher folks’ Association.

Farmer beneficiaries of the reactionary government’s bogus land reform program are also under attack as their lands are reconstituted back to the control of hacienderos due to lack of the ruling government’s support to farmers forcing the beneficiaries to enter into agreement with landlords under ariendo arrangement. More and more farmer beneficiaries are tricked by ariendador by letting them sign agreement papers when in truth it was for selling their land.

Without people’s consent and for whatever lame reason, the environment is also attacked by desperate AFP. Trangkal Range in San Isidro, Toboso experienced presumed practice shelling by the Di Masaligan (unreliable) 79IB. Their planned practice bombing in Mt. Mandalagan in Minapasuk, Calatrava, part of Northern Negros Natural Park, was successfully opposed by local residents, environmental groups and concerned citizens.

Heavy militarization in communities are added burden to the population, especially peasants and sugar farm workers, who face the daily challenge and effects of the economic crisis to assure their families of food on their tables.

Sugar farm workers, who compose majority of northern Negros population, receive only a meagre wage of Php100 to Php200 per day’s work, while tapaseros (cane cutters), amidst their heavy workload, takes home Php1,000 to Php2,000 a week. The usual sugar farm workers’ family allocates Php1,000 to Php1,500 for household weekly consumables, on top of Php1,000 for rice and the rest (or lack thereof) for students’ allowance or school expenditures.

With the rising prices of commodities, especially basic goods, sugar farm workers are forced to squeeze their measly budget to buy the essential among the basic goods or buy in small amounts which surely cannot satisfy their weekly needs.

With sugar farm workers’ dire situation, they have long realized that the only hope to see a bright and decent future is fulfilling the national democratic revolution waged primarily by the NPA, under the absolute leadership of the CPP.

Red commanders and fighters of RJPC-NPA as well as its Party cadres and members, continuously seek guidance from the great Ka Joma’s contributions, writings and analyses such as the semi-colonial, semi-feudal Philippine society in Philippine Society and Revolution, and the specific characteristics of our people’s war, among others; as well as Ka Ella and her husband-in-arms Ka Ericson’s inputs and contributions to the Sugar Farm Workers Situation in Northern Negros and the long standing challenge of uplifting their current conditions. The immortal revolutionary spirit of Ka Joma and all the revolutionary martyrs live in all revolutionaries in advancing the people’s war.

RJPC-NPA’s leading Party cadres shall ensure development of ideological life of Party members to warrant the effective political work that should result to higher level of our organization.

In consonance with the CPP’s 54th founding anniversary, the Party cadres, elements, Red commanders and fighters and all the revolutionary forces in northern Negros, vow to overcome all obstacles to carry forward until victory of the national democratic revolution, establish a socialist future and achieve a communist society.

Long live the 54th anniversary of the CPP!
Viva CPP – NPA – NDF!
Long live the revolutionary martyrs!
Long live the toiling masses!

Celebrate the 54th anniversary of CPP-MLM! Celebrate the revolutionary spirit of Ka Joma and all the revolutionary martyrs! Vigorously advance the people’s war!