Congratulations to NPA for seizing 17 firearms in Bicol

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) applauds the New People’s Army for its successful tactical offensives in Bicol against the Duterte regime’s fascist-terrorist troops over the past few weeks in which Red fighters seized 17 firearms, including a machine-gun and ten high-powered rifles.

In Labo, Camarines Norte, the NPA seized eight high-powered rifles including an R4 carbine, 6 Galil and a baby M60 machinegun in a raid against PNP combat troops last March 19. Six Glock short firearms were also taken from the police. Last February 1, an NPA unit seized a baby M16 rifle and 2 carbine from the compount of a despotic landlord in Sipocot, Camarines Sur.

The successful tactical offensives of the NPA are joyously welcomed by the broad masses of the Filipino people who have suffered long enough the oppression and state terrorist rule of the US-Duterte regime. With more firearms, they are emboldened to more vigorously carry forward their armed resistance.

The seized weapons form only a small part of the gigantic cache of armaments of the AFP and PNP. However, it is an important victory as the fascist have now less weapons to use in their campaign of murder and suppression against the people.

Other units of the NPA are inspired to carry out more tactical offensives to seize more weapons from the enemy.

The tactical offensives of the NPA in Bicol are a resounding slap against Duterte and his NTF-ELCAC. These show that the NPA continues to grow in strength and are determined to defend the people against the Duterte regime’s fascist terrorism.

The tactical offensives are an additional cause to celebrate the 52nd anniversary on March 29.

Congratulations to NPA for seizing 17 firearms in Bicol