Foil Duterte’s threat to embroil the Philippines into the US proxy war in Ukraine! Take on the opportunities to advance amidst intensifying inter-imperialist aggression!

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In the face of worsening economic crises triggered by unprecedented basic commodities and oil price hikes, Duterte had the audacity to hawk the possibility of dragging the country into the US newest proxy war in Ukraine. In this light, it is all the more judicious for the Filipino people to carry out their nationalist duty of advancing the people’s democratic revolution in defense of the country’s sovereignty against the increasing imperialist aggression and warmongering.

Duterte’s treacherous maneuvers to strengthen US military presence in the country amidst the Ukraine conflict is very alarming. These include US and Duterte’s recent agreement to escalate the country’s nuclear arms capacity. Yearly military exercises between AFP and US, such as the Marine Exercise 2022, Balance Piston Exercise and Salaknib Exercises, abound. In Bikol, the AFP revives the plan to construct a naval base in Panay Islands, Panganiban, Catanduanes. Patrol sightings of the US warship USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier have also been reported in San Bernardino Strait, Bulusan, Sorsogon. This indicates the US-Duterte regime’s keenness to make the Philippines actively complicit in the US worldwide wars of aggression.

With Duterte’s anti-people war raging within the country and an imperialist war outside its homefront, the Filipino people stands at an important turning point in their history. The imperialists’ wars to wrangle a new world order will certainly cause ramifications larger than oil price hikes. The Filipino people must take this opportunity to persevere even more in advancing their revolutionary armed struggle to genuinely attain national liberation.

The people’s democratic revolution remains to be the only weapon the masses can wield to completely break free from the stranglehold of foreign occupation and control. The revolution must be fulfilled, strengthened and intensified by the Filipino people as their most concrete contribution and solidarity to the international anti-imperialist movement and genuine peace.

Foil Duterte’s threat to embroil the Philippines into the US proxy war in Ukraine! Take on the opportunities to advance amidst intensifying inter-imperialist aggression!