Militantly relive the spirit of EDSA People Power Uprising! Fiercely struggle for justice and accountability and oust the tyrannical Duterte!


National Democratic Front-Negros is one with all revolutionary organizations, different patriotic and progressive sectors and all freedom-loving Filipinos in commemorating the 35th year of EDSA People Power Uprising that ended Marcos dictatorship in 1986.

Today, as we look back on the power of unified and collective action of our fellow Filipinos, may we be reminded to fight against the tyrannical government and oppression in our country. The lesson of the EDSA people’s uprising teaches us to rise against tyranny and dictatorship. EDSA People Power Uprising in 1986 is one of the significant proofs in our history of how we exercise democracy to topple down a dictatorship.

Thirty five years after the People Power Uprising, the country is still fighting for freedom that was once regained through people’s collective action.The horrors that shrouded our nation during the dark days of martial law are haunting us again today. The country remains in the hands of a President who resembles a dictator. The dictator of the past that found new clothes in the leader of today but even much worse than Marcos.

Five years into Rodrigo Duterte’s term, the Philippines has already been subjected to undeclared Martial Law through the implementation of Memo Order 32 in Negros Island, Samar and Bicol; Executive Order 70 and the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 that continue to warrant state terrorism in the country.

Under Duterte’s reign of terror, patterns of the late Ferdinand Marcos’ approach to power manifests in the form of unbridled corruption, increasing foreign debts, crackdown on legal democratic activists, gross human rights violations, and subordination to the hegemony of his imperialist masters.

With Duterte’s obsession to stay in power beyond his term, his fascist government is hell-bent on preserving repression and oppression in the country. Duterte continues to wave his iron fist and maximizing all of his machineries to quell the growing dissent. Activists, progressives, and defenders of truth are being systematically attacked, demonized and silenced under this administration.

Even at a time of worldwide pandemic and economic crisis, Duterte keeps on unleashing terror against the people and silencing dissent.

However, despite of the attempts to silence dissent, Negrosanons and the Filipino people stand firm and more determined in their struggle to champion genuine justice, freedom and democracy.

In the face of another authoritarian regime, NDF-Negros call on all Negrosanons and Filipino people to relive the militant spirit as we commemorate the 1986 EDSA People Power Uprising. We must continue to collectively fight and struggle in putting forward people’s rights for a fully democratic country.

The history of our country is a history of bravery and militancy. We should be reminded of the challenge to continue to strive as a nation to keep the democracy alive. Together with the broad masses, we must fiercely struggle for justice and accountability and oust the tyrannical Duterte regime.

With the masses as the decisive force, it can and will once again end a dictatorship. ###

Militantly relive the spirit of EDSA People Power Uprising! Fiercely struggle for justice and accountability and oust the tyrannical Duterte!