NDF-ST: Pursue great victories of the national democratic revolution

Pursue great victories of the national democratic revolution

Uphold social justice and genuine peace under Duterte’s tyrannical rule

On the occasion of the 46th anniversary of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, NDF-ST salutes all the revolutionary and progressive forces of Southern Tagalog for their firm determination to uphold social justice to attain genuine peace. The NDFP has achieved great victories in its role to consolidate all democratic forces here and abroad. Together with its allied organizations, it is always for the triumph of the armed revolution led by the Communist Party of the Philippines.

The National Democratic Front-ST honors all revolutionary martyrs and supports the continuing struggle of the people for just and lasting peace through armed revolution. The revolutionary movement wages the people’s war to strive for just peace. It is a just war; a war meant to crush the very foundations of semi-feudal and semi-colonial rule of the fascist US-Duterte regime.

The revolutionary movement denounces the US imperialist’s neoliberal policies that further exploit the Philippine economy and the Filipino people. The people must continue to frustrate the US-Duterte regime and its all out-war. They must unite against Duterte’s anti-people policies including the TRAIN Law, Rice Tarrification Law, war on drugs and grave human rights violations.

Duterte’s unjust all-out war rallies all oppressed and progressive classes in the Philippine society to support the national democratic revolution and launch the people’s war for national liberation. Both his Oplan Kapayapaan and National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict, which aim to crush democratic mass struggles in the country further enrage the people to stand against his crimes and atrocities. Duterte’s fascist and terrorist rule is rapidly arousing the masses to mobilize themselves for his regime’s downfall.

In this light, we must prioritize developing our united front work to achieve our goal of national freedom. If we cannot mobilize the Filipino people for the national democratic cause to attain genuine economic and political independence from foreign powers and local ruling classes, we can never be liberated from exploitation and oppression. We should unite all democratic and progressive forces in Philippine society and gain international support to have just peace in line with the democratic revolution against the common enemy of the people, US imperialism and its puppet Duterte regime.

The NDFP serves as the most consolidated alliance of all democratic forces in the united front that upholds the national democratic revolution through the people’s war and is always for armed struggle. It adheres to its role to unite all nationalist and progressive classes and sectors here and abroad. It fights for territorial integrity and national sovereignty. It adheres to the principle of national independence and liberation from imperialist and foreign intervention. The Filipino people should abrogate all treaties and laws that serve the interest of US imperialism.

The US-Duterte regime’s anti-people position on genuine land reform and national industrialization became even clearer after the arbitrary cancellation of the peace process between the Government of the Philippines and the NDFP. Duterte totally set aside the achievements of the peace talks and continues to sell his localized peace talks.

This shows Duterte’s loyalty to the big bourgeois compradors and landlords which he only protects. All along, he is disinterested to pursue social justice and only aims to use the peace process for surrender and capitulation of the revolutionary movement.

The people fully realized that the Duterte regime is worse from the past fascist and terrorist regimes before it. The people know better and never entrust their aspirations for social justice and just peace to the Duterte regime. They rely on their own strength and unity to advance their aspirations and their political and economic rights which the ruling class has taken from them. The democratic mass struggles of the people supporting the armed revolution is decisive to completely overthrow the US-Duterte regime.

The national democratic revolution is a people’s struggle for attaining their fundamental and democratic rights which is the foundation of social justice and lasting peace. Realizing and pursuing these basic human rights is the core principle of waging people’s war and is the main difference of the program of the NDFP from Duterte’s interest.

On its 46th year, the NDFP along with its allied organizations persist in waging the national democratic revolution through people’s war in the face of deepening and worsening crisis of the semi-colonial and semi-feudal Philippine society. Even in the absence of the peace process, the NDFP continues to serve the Filipino people and put forward the national democratic cause for national freedom and liberation. It is in its momentum to advance the revolution to higher levels. The revolutionary people of Southern Tagalog vow to never surrender to the Duterte regime and the reactionary regimes to come and will continue the people’s struggle for genuine peace and social justice. ###

NDF-ST: Pursue great victories of the national democratic revolution