Prohibition against vote-buying in revolutionary areas

This article is available in Pilipino

Prohibiting politicians from engaging in vote buying is among the policies of the People’s Democratic Government enforced by the New People’s Army (NPA) during the conduct of the reactionary elections within the revolutionary areas.

Political parties and politicians are advised to consult with local units of the NPA which are responsible for enforcing this policy and other measures. The aim of these policies is to ensure that election campaigns are conducted in an orderly manner and not used to sow violence and terror among the people.

Vote-buying is one of the starkest manifestation of the rotten electoral system of the reactionary government. In the countryside, it reinforces and takes advantage of feudal social relations and perpetuates patronage politics that favor the ruling classes. Those who engage in vote-buying are the most rotten of politicians. Vote-buying is prohibited in the revolutionary areas because it is typically accompanied by intimidation or coercion. It furthermore tends to sow disunity and bickering among the people with some receiving more than the others.

Politicians who will be caught in the act of vote-buying will be apprehended and reprimanded. Monies will be seized and immediately turned over to the local organs of political power and reported to higher territorial governmental organs. These will be used to augment local funds used for socioeconomic programs for the benefit of the people.

Local revolutionary mass organizations must discuss this policy and plan on how this will be enforced. They can set out plans to take the vote-buying money of politicians in order to place it under their collective management to ensure that all members of the community will equally benefit.

Politicians who wish to donate money to the people are advised to contribute funds to programs of local revolutionary organizations to help boost production (such as buying farm implements or farm machinery), and maintain public health (including provision of supplies for community clinics).

In addition to the prohibition on vote-buying, political parties and candidates who wish to conduct election campaigns in the revolutionary territories are not allowed to bring firearms or have armed bodyguards, including military and police escorts or their own goons. This is to prevent them from subjecting people to armed intimidation, as well as avoid armed encounters during their campaign sorties.

Prohibition against vote-buying in revolutionary areas