The fascist Duterte Juniora’s diatribes are lethal

This article is available in Pilipino

While her partner-in-crime Bongbong Marcos is out of the country, Sara Duterte, the older Duterte’s heir to the fascist throne, took the chance at the helm to flood the airwaves with deadly agenda. Just after her much-publicized lobbying for the revival of the death penalty, she is now harping about the need for the state’s armed forces to show no mercy against supposed terrorists and criminals. The Filipino people are already far too familiar with how this directive actually translates into reality especially after her father’s bloody stint. By declaring to show no mercy, Sara Duterte is not targeting the big-time criminal syndicates nor is she indicating alleged terrorist threats. What she really meant was for the AFP-PNP to be ruthless against the Filipino masses. She is essentially, just like her tyrannical father, calling for a bloodbath.

Her ‘show no mercy’ statements are virtually identical to her father’s kill, kill, kill order. This same order has ruled AFP-PNP’s conduct during the course of the anti-drug, counterrevolutionary and even pandemic lockdown campaigns under Rodrigo Duterte and has wasted tens of thousands of civilian lives and has bloodied the streets and communities on a daily basis. In the Bikol region, this has resulted to not less than 247 recorded political killings and massacres. This level of slaughter has surpassed all the other past regimes – even GMA’s bloody nine-year presidency.

With the new regime starting off with these lethal orders, the Bikolano masses and the rest of the nation must be vigilant and prepared to fight more than ever. They must not ignore nor underestimate Juniora’s diatribes. Especially, since these are but a flagrant expression of the Marcos II regime’s overall policy towards the masses and their rights which the AFP and PNP are guaranteed to abuse in the most inhumane way possible. All human rights defenders, church people, progressives and nationalists, peace-loving citizens must unite and defend the people’s right to life and well-being.

NDF-Bikol also calls for the masses’ strong and unwavering support of the Filipino people’s armed revolution. When it is the state that represents the highest threat to the citizenry’s lives and future, then there is no other just and correct way but the path of the people’s revolution. It is the oppressed and the exploited’s greatest task to defend their own lives, attain justice for their fellow masses and advance the people’s democratic revolution towards complete victory.

The fascist Duterte Juniora’s diatribes are lethal