The subterfuge behind Duterte's anti-corruption noise

In recent days, Duterte has been harping on corruption, even claiming to have offered to resign because supposedly his cabinet officials have failed to stop corruption in their agencies. Specifically, Duterte has been publicly complaining of red-tape which applicants have to contend with in setting-up a business in the Philippines.

Like so many of his public pronouncements, this publicity is again mere show. It is a subterfuge to conceal widespread corruption under his regime. The din of Duterte’s anti-corruption is matched only by the monstrous scale of bribery, kickbacks and diversion of funds committed by Duterte himself and his minions.

His recent noise over his rush “to remove red-tape in six months” is part of the frenzied efforts of the Duterte clique to speed-up accumulation of more funds to bankroll its power perpetuation scheme and build its election kitty for 2022.

By removing these business requirements, Duterte and his minions can set up large numbers of fly-by-night corporations to serve as dummies to partner with Chinese corporations and serve as conduits of Chinese kickbacks in China-bankrolled infrastructure projects.

Corruption by Duterte and his minions has worsened during the Covid-19 pandemic. There is the purchase of the overpriced medical and protective equipment that is estimated to have cost the people at least P1 billion. Officials, including Duterte’s favorite Health Sec. Francisco Duque, in connivance with some unscrupulous health-care companies, have defrauded the Philhealth Corp. not less than P15 billion in the form of ghost reimbursements.

On top of all these, Duterte himself diverted as much as P10-billion of the social subsidy funds allotted to the Department of Social Work and Development (DSWD). The DSWD itself revealed that it was ordered by Malacañang to reduce the number of beneficiaries by up to 6 million in order to distribute those funds to Duterte’s “list.”

We call on the Filipino people to reject and expose Duterte’s anti-corruption rhetoric and intensify their condemnation of the corruption of the Duterte regime. We call on all citizens who have intimate knowledge of the corrupt insides of the regime to come out and stand by the Filipino people and reveal the details of the regime’s bureaucratic criminal operations.

The subterfuge behind Duterte's anti-corruption noise