
NPA-Masbate launches consecutive harassment operations

The New People’s Army (NPA)-Masbate (Jose Raping Command) Red fighters ambushed Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) soldiers in consecutive raids in two separate military camps in the town of Milagros, Masbate last August 10. The armed action is a condemnation of the ongoing Pacific Partnership 2024-2 (PP24-2) “humanitarian mission” of American and Filipino troops in Legazpi City, Albay in the Bicol region from August 1 to 14, the NPA said.

The NPA unit attacked the 93rd Division Reconnaissance Company camp in Sitio San Jose, Barangay Hamorawon and the 2nd IB camp in Barangay San Antonio at 9 p.m. The people’s army said that the 2nd IB and 93rd DRC are part of the armed forces serving as a guard for US troops in the Philippines.

“Through the guerrilla action launched by the NPA-Masbate, the people of Masbate want to express their condemnation of all US activities and schemes which aims to drag the Philippines in America’s planned war against its imperialist rival China,” Ka Luz del Mar, NPA-Masbate spokesperson, said.

The US PP24-2 being held in Legazpi City is a US military operation that aims to normalize to the Bicolano masses the US violaton of the country’s sovereignty behind the hypocritical “humanitarian mission” and “friendship” of US imperialism. “The people’s minds are being conditioned that the US is a reliable ally so that the presence of foreign troops in the country and the military intervention appear normal,” Ka Luz said.

She said that this activity is only used as a cover for war purposes such as geographic information systems, emergency operations, mountain and urban search and rescue in preparation.

At the behest of its master imperialist US, the 9th ID exerted considerable efforts to hunt down Bicol NPA units during the US activity to thwart the resistance of the Bicolanos to the war games.

Meanwhile, the NPA-Masbate announced that the armed attack is also an effort to bring justice to the victims of military abuse, land grabbing and other abuses led by Masbate Gov. Antonio Kho in the province.

AB: NPA-Masbate launches consecutive harassment operations