Denounce overkill mobilization of police forces for Marcos Jr's first SONA

The plan of the Philippine National Police (PNP) to deploy more than 21,000 police forces on July 25 to supposedly “secure” the first state of the nation address (SONA) of Ferdinand Marcos Jr must be firmly denounced by the Filipino people.

This is overkill and a waste of people’s money. It reflects Marcos’s fascist policy of suppressing the people’s right to peaceably assemble. It clearly aims to drown the people’s grievances.

This is the Marcos tactic of projecting strength amid the worsening crisis marked by increasing trade deficit, peso’s devaluation and government bankruptcy.

The people are seething with outrage as the new regime has failed to urgently provide a solution to rising prices of oil, food and other basic commodities resulting in the rapid deterioration of people’s lives. Marcos is confronted with the daily rising possibility of the eruption of the social volcano amid the inabiility of his regime to address the crisis.

The people must vigorously reject the advise of PNP’s Major General Valeriano De Leon calling on the people not to protest on July 25 and instead just listen to Marcos lay out his plans. He is a fascist fool.

Denounce overkill mobilization of police forces for Marcos Jr's first SONA