Land for the tillers! Support the Masbatenyos’ fight for their right to land!

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NDF-Bikol condemns the imposed displacement of not less than 94 peasant Masbatenyo families from the land that they have been cultivating in barangays Cabungahan, Calapayan and Villaluna in the town of Cawayan in Masbate by 2nd IBPA troops and local government officials. Actually, the 550-hectare land that the said community were tilling is just a minute portion of the land that the government owes not only the Masbatenyo masses but the whole peasantry of the country. Instead of driving them away from the land that they have been nurturing, the government should have increased the land given to the people and should have ensured that every farmer in the region and the whole country has land to till.

The local government officials have the audacity to banish the same people they have just been kissing and hugging for votes last elections. Where are their grand promises that they shall serve the people’s interests first and foremost? Now that they are seated, they have treacherously turned their backs on their constituents. Of course, they feel invincible for they are backed by the violent force of their butcher military and policemen.

But this is what all the criminals behind the displacement of these Masbatenyo farmers and all other similar cases in the region: a person who have been dispossessed of his rights, stripped off of his future and dignity, divested of his dreams, starved and violated has nothing else but his will to fight. And when all those who were previously oppressed and exploited prevail and the time of comeuppance arrive, no one will be delivered from their crimes against the people.

The whole revolutionary movement in Bikol supports the Masbatenyo peasantry’s fight for their right to land. NDF-Bikol enjoins all the Bikolanos to support their fellow impoverished. This incident will continue on happening in various parts of the regions if the united masses fail to be vigilant and uphold their struggle.

NDF-Bikol also calls on all the Masbatenyos to further fortify their ranks and continue their fight for their rights. This land is the fruit of the life-and-death struggle of all those who came before. Innumerable labor, devotion and lives were dedicated to the attainment of this triumph that the present generation holds. It is only just to give everything in the defense of this right until the end.

Land for the tillers! Support the Masbatenyos’ fight for their right to land!