Notice: Ka Oris interment on November 20

This article is available in PilipinoBisaya

“The revolution belongs to the people” Ka Oris

In honor of former New People’s Army commander and spokesperson Ka Oris (Jorge Madlos), the Party calls on all revolutionaries, patriots and democrats to dedicate a minute of silence at high noon of November 20, Saturday, the day that his ashes will be interred.

Thereafter, the flags of the Communist Party of the Philippines and New People’s Army will be unfurled and raised, as all Party cadres and Red fighters of the NPA stand in attention to salute Ka Oris and vow to always keep his memory alive.

Long live Ka Oris, hero and martyr of the Filipino people! Long live Ka Oris, the modern day Andres Bonifacio! Let the memory of Ka Oris live forever!

Long live the New People’s Army! Long live the Communist Party of the Philippines! Long live the Filipino people!


Notice: Ka Oris interment on November 20