NPA punishes counter-revolutionary traitor in Cadiz City


Read in: Hiligaynon

The counter-revolutionary traitor Manalo Porre, 51, was charged mainly for the raid against the NPA in 2009. He was sentenced to death based on the decision of the revolutionary people’s court and the Democratic People’s Government.

The same charges were brought against his brother Gerralie “Larry” Porre, who was earlier punished by the revolutionary movement last March.

Operatives of the Roselyn Jean Pelle Command – New People’s Army Northern Negros Guerrilla Front (RJPC-NPA) carried out the sentence against Manalo Porre in Hacienda Dalayapan, Barangay Caduhaan, Cadiz City, 5:40 am last May 4.

Like his brother Larry, Manalo was also a former element of the paramilitary CAFGU and active asset of the Philippine Army.

The Porre brothers were responsible for the treacherous AFP raid against the NPA in Aloyan, Caduhaan, Cadiz City in 2009, wherein 6 Red fighters were martyred and others were wounded.

Manalo was also an official of the Dalayapan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative DARCO, but his work with the cooperative has nothing to do with the major charges for which the people’s court has long made its decision. The NPA is also aware of the cooperative members’ grievances against Porre.

It has been more than a decade since the people’s democratic government ordered the sentence against Porre and his cohorts but still, the revolutionary movement is keen on achieving justice for the fallen comrades.

The RJPC continues to go after counter-revolutionaries and criminal elements like Porre who wreak havoc on the lives and livelihood of the masses in guerilla zones.

The NPA warns these criminal elements to stop their activities against the masses and desist from being instruments of the fascist regime in its pipedream to crush the revolutionary movement.

Civilian assets and informers who merely go after the cash rewards promised by the corrupt military and the Duterte regime must face the charges against them. We advise them to quit their dishonorable activities before they could commit unpardonable crimes against the masses.#

NPA punishes counter-revolutionary traitor in Cadiz City